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America’s Promise Success Factors

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1 America’s Promise Success Factors
High Impact Partners on behalf of the Employment and Training Administration, DOL December 5, 2018


3 Cheryl Martin Heidi Sheppard Program Manager, Competitive Grants Unit
U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Strategic Investments Heidi Sheppard HIP Project Lead, America’s Promise High Impact Partners

4 Introduce the Success Factors
Explain how future technical assistance will be informed by these factors Help you understand how the factors benefit you Answer any questions

5 Success Factors Aligns with the FOA and Core Monitoring Guide, developed with input from DSI and the AP coaches, and reviewed by the FPOs Adds clarity and specificity to what makes a successful grantee program Informs decisions on technical assistance services The hope is that being attentive to these factors can help your program be successful and meet your grant goals.

6 Factors Leading to Success
Strong Organizational Management Strong Operational Systems Sustainability Thinking Effective Employer Engagement Effective Partner Engagement Effective Participant Engagement along a Career Pathway

7 1. Strong Organizational Management
Secure highly qualified management and staff Implement regular communication channels Translate federal grant expectations to all partners Develop consortium/team management plans Employ effective project management tools.

8 2. Strong Operational Systems
Employ data-driven decision making. Conduct program evaluation and implement continuous improvement. Use data collection tools: Fully understand the reporting requirements. Dedicate resources in reliable data system and staff to administer. Employ a strong data collection process to ensure grantee is fully equipped to manage the reporting and tracking component.

9 3. Sustainability Thinking
Understand the current and emerging goals of organization and key partners Engage these organization and partner leaders as champions Explain how the grant program helps meet those goals Develop a sustainability plan using tools provided Align state programs and resources with sector strategy

10 4. Effective Employer Engagement
Engage multiple employers in a sector Know the needs and goals of employers Leverage employer partners’ resources and abilities Use advisory councils Recruit employers to offer hands-on experiences Engage employers to work directly with faculty Obtain support from employers

11 5. Effective Partner Engagement
Engage in regular communication with all partners Leverage partners’ resources and abilities Recruit new partners as needed Systemize and coordinate partner activities

12 6. Effective Participant Engagement along a Career Pathway
Conduct effective outreach and recruitment Provide appropriate supportive services Develop on-boarding processes Connect program message and value to individual participants Develop a case management approach Stay in touch Provide quality training services Monitor for continuous improvement Evaluate training design and services Match participants to jobs

13 Why now? America’s Promise Grant Program is nearing the grant mid-point. A voluntary self-assessment tool based on these success factors will be introduced in January 2019. Mid-Grant reviews with FPOs are just around the corner. Inform future Technical Assistance services. Use the self-assessment tool and the TA Effectiveness Feedback Tool.

14 How will this help you, the grantees?
Greater specificity of what can lead to success TA services and products provided will support your progress Coaches will incorporate these factors into their coaching services Useful for the self-assessment tool and subsequently for the mid-grant report to the FPOs

15 Of these success factors, where do you feel your grant program is strong?
Strong Organizational Management Strong Operational Systems Sustainability Thinking Effective Employer Engagement Effective Partner Engagement Effective Participant Engagement along a Career Pathway

16 Choose the success factors for which technical assistance would be most valuable.
Strong Organizational Management Strong Operational Systems Sustainability Thinking Effective Employer Engagement Effective Partner Engagement Effective Participant Engagement along a Career Pathway


Assessing Your Progress at the Mid-Point of Your America’s Promise Grant – A Two-Part Webinar Program Part One: January 24, 2019 Part Two: February 28, 2019 Grantee Infographic Template January 2019 Community of Practice

19 America’s Promise phone and mailbox
U.S. Department of Labor


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