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Introduction Constraint: important features in computer animation

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Constraint: important features in computer animation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Constraint: important features in computer animation
Simulate rigid structure (length, angle,…) IK application Solutions: Penalty method Constrained dynamics

2 Holonomic and Non-holonomic constraints
Bilateral and Unilateral constraints

3 Constraint Formulation
C(q) = 0 equality (bilateral) constraints Behavior function: the function value reaches ZERO when we are happy Examples x r x1 x2 x1 x2 l

4 Penalty Method Convert behavior functions to force laws
The constraint force competes with all other forces (thus, not precisely satisfied) Can have numerical problems (stiff eq)

5 Example (x,y) r (fx,fy)

6 Constrained Dynamics

7 Example (x,y) r (fx,fy) How is this used:
Compute all other forces as fa Then compute the constraint force fc Continue with the ODE solver

8 Semi-Implicit Euler for ODE
Not guaranteed to be stable, but usually is


10 Lagrangian Dynamics Suitable for systems with fixed configuration

11 Example (x,y) u (fx,fy)

12 In Lagrange’s Equation

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