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Education & Research SIG

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1 Education & Research SIG
Status update on Feb 19, 2014 Officers of SIG Jim Spohrer (Chair-IBM) Haluk Demirkan (Vice Chair, UW) Ralph Badinelli, Virgina Tech (Secretary) Louis Freund, SJSU (Treasurer)

2 SIG Education & Research
Mission: Increase quantity and quality of service science related educational materials, courses and degree programs as well as open data sets for service systems research, to increase the number of T-shaped service innovators globally. Overall we are dedicated to promoting excellence in service science and innovation education, research and practice. SIG Established: October 2012 Total #of Members: 83 SIG Accomplishments for Knowledge Co-creation: Completed 40 education/research member & guest presentations Formed a number of sub SIG activities

3 Education & Research SIG
1. Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Develop a communication plan, Make arrangements for members to introduce themselves and their service orientation; Develop SIG Mission Statement, goal, objectives etc. Format of our weekly calls is following: Type 1 calls - Some calls will be new member intro calls Every member is encouraged to invite at least one new person a month to present For example, invite people teaching and/or research service science related courses Haluk will schedule the speakers If we each invite one new person a month, we will get to 100 or so by end of year Type 2 calls - Some calls will be updates by leaders of sub-SIG activities For example, Ralph might give up an update on the survey work sub-SIG updates can ask for help, report on results, provide status, etc. we should do at least one or two of these a month all members are encouraged to lead/join sub-SIG activities Type 3 calls - Some calls will be general discussion, review SIG presentation and actions Sub-sig activity: Gamification project for Sub-sig activity: A list of value added centers (version 1 is available) (Haluk, Wendy) Sub-sig activity: ISSIP led/affiliated workshops, symposiums, conferences etc. Sub-sig activity: Smarter cities (Jim, Haluk, Yassi, Arnold Beekes, Charlie Bess) Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

4 Education & Research SIG
2. Professional development (e.g. career paths) Help members measure their T-Shaped-ness , and have access to a network to both help them develop more depth and more breadth through interactions with ISSIP members from related professional associations, their conference, publications. Development of executive/professional education programs Sub-sig activity: development of T-shape assessment tool (Jim, Lou) Sub-sign activity: Recognition program (Haluk, Yassi, Jim, Hunter, Jeff, Ralph, Wendy) Sub-sign activity: Develop one instructor led professional training module Sub-sign activity: Transition to management practice (w. professional papers, journals, executive community dev., executive education etc.) (Hunter, Arnold Beekes) Sub-sign activity: ISSIP Open Innovation Coaching Program (OICP) (Jim, Yassi) Sub-sign activity: Student best paper award Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

5 Education & Research SIG
3. Education (e.g. diverse life-long learning) Survey of at least 5 programs worldwide, course, degrees, etc. and make this available on the website by Dec 31, 2014 Education Transformation as a Service System (e.g. Coursera) Develop Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) for people to learn service science (service, service innovation, T-shaped innovators, etc.) Sub-sig activity: Survey Monkey of existing service science related courses. Version 1 is being developed by Ralph Sub-sig activity: Develop a SIG White paper. Version 1 is being developed by Jim Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

6 Education & Research SIG
4. Research (e.g. open data sets and analytics) (Dianne Fodell) Survey the existing state of service system open data sets (by sectors and regions) to promote more research (for different types of service systems for research and education/case studies/simulations) Research For Service Education (e.g. open data sets for research & education of types of service systems, case studies, simulations) e.g. Develop a grand challenge research agenda Support research into service education and/or guiding PhD education in the field of service Sub-sig activity: development of a list of open data sets. Version 1 has been developed by Dianne, Jim, Haluk ( Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

7 Education & Research SIG
5. Practice (e.g. technical standards and tools) A service education guidelines (e.g. master program guidelines) Sub-sig activity: ISSIP Recognition Program (for ISSIP Listed and Endorsed) (Haluk, Jim, Yassi, Jeff, Hunter, Ralph) Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

8 Education & Research SIG
6. Policy (e.g. innovativeness, security, sustainability, resiliency of service systems.) Identify technology and public policy programs at top universities, as well as economic and policy research centers globally (OECD) who are driving service innovation policy agenda. Sub-sig activity: ISSIP Recognition Program (for ISSIP Listed and Endorsed) (Haluk, Jim, Yassi, Jeff, Hunter, Ralph) Community development (e.g. finding supporters & followers, development of ideas) Knowledge-creation (e.g. review of people, processes, tools, techniques (survey, review tool development, data collection, review); review of issues, challenges, problems, opportunities; performing research) Knowledge-dissemination (e.g. content development and dissemination with newsletters, blogs, twits, website, white-papers, conference presentations, professional articles, journal articles, chapters in books, books) * (Hunter H.) We are discussing the opportunity for certification in Service Science - this would embrace a certification program with specific standards / benchmarks; teaching including executive education; and practical projects to apply service science principles and tools to demonstrate competence. It is possible there will be badging and different levels, e.g. an engineering or technical badge, a management badge, a front line service badge, etc. The ISSIP SIG can be instrumental in guiding this development. * (Hunter H.) An angle perhaps not fully contemplated by your document is the transition to everyday management practice. This can be partially achieved by executive education, publication in mainstream (non-academic) management magazines (Fortune, Forbes, Wired, etc), and executive community development. Gary Hamel gained some visibility in promoting a "revolution in management" and Service Science promises more than he envisaged: it "changes everything" in standard management thinking. Our ISSIP SIG can help educate managers on the implications and practical application of SS in this regard.

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