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Comp 4 MLA Format.

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Presentation on theme: "Comp 4 MLA Format."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comp 4 MLA Format

2 Why are we here today?

3 Better yet, who is the reason we are learning this today?


5 MLA Format… what Mr. Jennewein did not teach you

6 Paraphrase A paraphrase is a restatement of the text of your source in your own words The teacher confirmed he would not teach EasyBib in his composition courses (Jennewein 18).

7 Direct Quotes Direct quotes are citations that are word-for-word from the source. Mr. Jennewein stated, “[he] will not teach EasyBib as a resource for students when citing their research” (Jennewein 18).

8 In-text Citations Provide information that will allow the reader to locate exactly where you found information in your sources. Traditional citation: Author's last name and a page number (Villmer 17). No author: Title of Article or Webpage in quotation marks (“Title” 17). Paragraphs: If there are not page numbers assigned to the source, count the paragraphs and site the paragraph number: (Villmer p 25). (“Title” p 25).

9 More than one author Two authors: (Villmer and Jennewein 12).
Three or more authors: (Villmer et al. 12).

10 Databases Jstor EbscoHost Gale

11 Websites and Webpages is a website
The PowerSchool page on the website is the webpage

12 Disclaimer Mr. Jennewein nor any other colleagues were hurt in the production of this lesson.

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