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Nuclear Power: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions Black Sea Energy Conference - April 2006 Ron Cullen General Manager and Project Director Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Power: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions Black Sea Energy Conference - April 2006 Ron Cullen General Manager and Project Director Romania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Power: Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions Black Sea Energy Conference - April 2006 Ron Cullen General Manager and Project Director Romania and AECL Nuclear Construction Division Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

2 2 Presentation Outline Global Nuclear Renaissance Making the Case for a Nuclear Future AECL and CANDU Nuclear Solutions

3 3 Global Nuclear Renaissance Shift in global consciousness about nuclear: –Worldwide energy demands and market volatility increasing –Nuclear power - security of supply and stable pricing –Nuclear - attractive base load option in a balanced supply mix –low operating / fuel costs /competitive Private sector sees value and is increasingly involved in nuclear energy Many environmentalists endorsing nuclear - non-GHG emitting source of electricity Renewed interest in nuclear in Canada, home of CANDU $5+ Billion/y industry ~ 50% of Ontarios power

4 4 What Is Needed For Nuclear New Build Strength and Clarity of electricity market Determined approach and plan on the demand side Strengthened and sustained incentives for carbon reduction Planning for security of supply

5 5 Nuclear Now in Romania Reduction of the dependence on external suppliers of primary resources, geographically outside of Europe, which is in line with the EU policy to increase the Security of Energy Supply Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant represents a safe, efficient and clean source of electricity, included in the national strategy of social and economic development of Romania Proven performance (90% in 2005) and tangible econmic benefits from the development of the Romanian nuclear industry. Knowledge transfer permits Fuel and Heavy water to be produced in Romania with domestic resources and labour. Spent Fuel Knowledge transfer for storage facility.

6 6 Employment and Industrial Benefits Domestic Benefits: Engineering, Construction and support industry employment Development of high quality manufacturing capability and capacity. –40,000 jobs associated with reactor construction Export Benefits: Prepares industry for future manufacturing exports Ensures industry develops high quality QA programs. New CANDU Builds means jobs, economic benefits, and cost-effective base-load electricity that keeps economy competitive –model for Cernavoda 3&4

7 7 Stable Fuel Supply = Benefits for Energy- Intensive Industries Nuclear Fuel – Natural Uranium Nuclear fuel is made in Romania - insulated from fluctuating world fossil fuel prices – A 100% increase in price of uranium = 5% increase in the price of electricity Nuclear fuel is highly efficient –A single fuel bundle = 380 tonnes of coal or 1,800 barrels of oil Uranium is mined and refined in Romania –Avoids reliance on fuel from outside Romania and volatile fossil energy supply and prices

8 8 Romania and Future Nuclear provides for: –base load supply security and price stability –Modern alternative and competitive solutions to electricity generation –reduction of GHG emissions –utilization of domestic resources –improved local industry capability through technology of work and enhanced quality programs required by nuclear

9 9 Romania and Future Plans underway for Units 3 & 4 at Cernavoda Increased local supply and services Increased Romanian construction and commissioning management Canada committed to long term partnership with Romania in energy field

10 10 AECL: A Total Nuclear-Solution Company (ACR shown below) Research, development and design facilitating innovation Continuous CANDU reactor construction program around the world Refurbishment of existing reactors for life extension Waste management technology AECL produces ~60% of the worlds supply of isotopes used more than 67,000 times / day Enhanced CANDU 6 (EC6) Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR)

11 11 CANDU Future on Strong Foundation 1.Project Delivery Record Major CANDU projects on time and on budget 2.Plant Performance and Reliability CANDU 6 world leader in lifetime capacity factor 3.Project Model Risk sharing with owner 4.Employment/Industrial Benefits Technology and QA plus stable prices 5.Waste Non GHG and are long-term solutions for spent fuel

12 12 Track Record: CANDU Solution Project Management: On time, on budget delivery of turnkey projects internationally, with globally-recognized partners Quality and Safety: CANDU technology recognized as safest – 2 shut down systems 2 additional passive water heat sinks Service: Support our technology on a life- cycle basis Innovation: Construction methods Design optimization Financial structures and risk mitigation QinshanPhase III, Unit 1, China 2002 On budget, on scheduleWolsongUnit 4, S. Korea1999 QinshanPhase III, Unit 2, China 2003 On budget, on schedule StatusPlant In-Service Date On budget, 6 weeks ahead of schedule QinshanPhase III, Unit 1, China 2002 WolsongUnit 4, S. Korea1999 On budget, 4 months ahead of schedule QinshanPhase III, Unit 2, China 2003 WolsongUnit 3, S. Korea1998 WolsongUnit 2, S. Korea1997 StatusPlant In-Service Date Team CANDUs New-build Track Record

13 13 Track Record: CANDU Project Efficiency Construction Strategy: Prefabrication Modularization Open Top construction Parallel Construction Advanced engineering tools Design optimization and evolution -New stations built on experience of earlier designs and utility feedback -Advanced materials -Longer life and easier maintenance

14 14 CANDU 6 Plants Qinshan CernavodaEmbalse Gentilly 2 Point LepreauWolsong 1/2/3/4

15 15 Reliability: CANDU 6 Operations Operating experience of all CANDU 6 plants has been world class – 10 units, 5 countries Romania Cernavoda 1 good performer Ontario -OPGs Darlington 4 unit design delivered 90% CF in 2005 – world class performance

16 16 Project Model: Risk Mitigation –Host Government Provides stable policy environment and institutional framework price support (PPA) Market support mechanism (carbon credit, nuclear obligation credits) regulatory certainty Nuclear liability obligations –AECL and partners – Shares project delivery risk –CANDU Utility – Takes plant operating risk –FINANCING by ECAs and private sector investment model becoming attractive

17 17 Proven Project Risk Model For the turnkey Qinshan Project in China, AECL and its subcontractors assumed: –Fixed price for design, equipment procurement, construction and commissioning management –Schedule and plant performance guarantees –Equipment warranties In Romania unit 2 –Fixed price equipment procurement and technical assistance with equipment warranties –Joint contractors/SNN construction and commissioning –Romania has local detailed design scope and capability –Romania has local equipment supply scope and capability

18 18 Waste Solutions Are in Place Canada and Internationally Nuclear Waste Management Organization recommendation: Re: Long-term waste management – On site storage for 30 years – Centralize shallow below ground for 60 years – Deep geologic disposal at 90+ years Nuclear industry accounts for ALL its waste Total amount of used fuel from all Canadian reactors would fill 5 hockey rinks to height of boards Used fuel stored on site 7 – 10 years in water, then transferred to dry storage containers Dry fuel storage technology - MACSTOR ® – In use in Canada, Korea, Romania – Good for 100+ years before replacing

19 19 Safety: Three Major Passive Heat Sinks (ACR Model) 1. Moderator Vessel Water 2. Shield Tank Water 3.Water from separate Reserve Water Tank fills fuel channels, moderator vessel, and shield tank by gravity Core damage reduced by factor of 10 plus damaged core contained in reactor vessel.

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