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The plasma (Cell) membrane

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1 The plasma (Cell) membrane

2 Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane): forms a boundary between a cell and the outside environment.

3 Maintaining balance Cells must keep a balance inside the cell and be able to eliminate wastes. The plasma membrane does this by controlling the passage of materials into and out of the cell.

4 Maintaining balance Selective permeability means that the plasma membrane is able to allow some materials to pass while keeping others out.

5 Structure The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer.
It contains two layers of several phospholipids/ lipid molecules with proteins embedded. A phospholipid is composed of three basic parts

6 Phospholipid

7 Cell Membrane-fluid mosaic model

8 The plasma (cell) membrane

9 The lipid bilayer The phosphate group is attracted to water (hydrophilic ).This means polar. Fatty acid tails don’t like water and are repelled by water (hydrophobic ). This means non-polar.

10 The membrane proteins The proteins determine which particles can pass and act as markers and receptors to signal molecules where they can go or what they can do.

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