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Conceptual Model A descriptive representation of a groundwater system that incorporates an interpretation of the geological & hydrological conditions.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptual Model A descriptive representation of a groundwater system that incorporates an interpretation of the geological & hydrological conditions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptual Model A descriptive representation of a groundwater system that incorporates an interpretation of the geological & hydrological conditions. Generally includes information about the water budget.

2 Mathematical Model a set of equations that describes
the physical and/or chemical processes occurring in a system.

3 Components of a Mathematical Model
Governing Equation Boundary Conditions Specified head (1st type or Neumann) constant head Specified flux (2nd type or Dirichlet) no flux Initial Conditions (for transient conditions)

4 Mathematical Model of the Toth Problem
h = c x + zo Laplace Equation 2D, steady state

5 Types of Solutions of Mathematical Models
Analytical Solutions: h= f(x,y,z,t) (example: Theis eqn., Toth 1962) Numerical Solutions Finite difference methods Finite element methods Analytic Element Methods (AEM)

6 Toth Problem z x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution
h = c x + zo Mathematical model x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution continuous solution discrete solution

7 Toth Problem z x z x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution
h = c x + zo Mathematical model x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution h(x,z) = zo + cs/2 – 4cs/2 … (eqn. 2.1 in W&A) z x continuous solution discrete solution

8 Toth Problem z x z x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution
h = c x + zo Mathematical model x Analytical Solution Numerical Solution h(x,z) = zo + cs/2 – 4cs/2 … (eqn. 2.1 in W&A) z hi,j = (hi+1,j + hi-1,j + hi,j+1 + hi,j-1)/4 x continuous solution discrete solution

9 Hinge line Add a water balance & compute water balance error Example of spreadsheet formula

10 OUT IN Q= KIA Hinge line OUT – IN = 0

11 Hinge line Add a water balance & compute water balance error

12 Q = KIA=K(h/z)(x)(1) A
x=z  Q = K h z x z x 1 m

13 Mesh centered grid: area needed in water balance
(x/2) x No Flow Boundary x (x/2) water table nodes

14 x=z  Q = K h

15 Block centered grid: area needed in water balance
No flow boundary x x water table nodes

16 K as a Tensor

17 div q = 0 q = - K grad h Steady state mass balance eqn. Darcy’s law z
equipotential line grad h q grad h x Isotropic Anisotropic Kx = Kz Kx  Kz

18 div q = 0 q = - K grad h steady state mass balance eqn. Darcy’s law
Scalar 1 component Magnitude Head (h) Vector 3 components Magnitude and direction q & grad Tensor 9 components Magnitude, direction and magnitude changing with direction Hydraulic conductivity (K)

19 (homogeneous and isotropic conditions)
div q = 0 steady state mass balance eqn. q = - K grad h Darcy’s law Assume K = a constant (homogeneous and isotropic conditions) Laplace Equation

20 Governing Eqn. for TopoDrive
2D, steady-state, heterogeneous, anisotropic

21 global local z z’ x’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 0
bedding planes x’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 K’y 0 K’z

22 q = - K grad h Kxx 0 Kyy 0 Kzz qx qy qz = -

23 q = - K grad h Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K =
K is a tensor with 9 components Kxx ,Kyy, Kzz are the principal components of K

24 q = - K grad h Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz qx qy qz = -


26 This is the form of the governing equation used in MODFLOW.

27 global local z z’ x’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 0
bedding planes x’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 K’y 0 K’z

28 z local global z’ grad h q q’ x’ Kz’=0 x 
Assume that there is no flow across impermeable bedding planes z local global z’ grad h q q’ x’ Kz’=0 x


30 [K] = [R]-1 [K’] [R] global local z z’ x’ q q’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz
bedding planes x’ q q’ x Kxx Kxy Kxz Kyx Kyy Kyz Kzx Kzy Kzz K’x 0 K’y 0 K’z [K] = [R]-1 [K’] [R]

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