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Guided Reading Corrections

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1 Guided Reading Corrections
Entries 80, 84, 86. & 87

2 “Methods of Reproduction”
Questions, p “Methods of Reproduction”

3 1. What is usually the only method of reproduction for unicellular organisms?
Answer: cell division 2. When new organisms are formed from a single parent, the process is known as __ __. Answer: asexual reproduction 3. What does the word “asexual” mean? Answer: “without sex”

4 4. Give 3 examples of asexual reproduction that occurs in plants.
Answer: runners in strawberries, daughter bulbs in tulips, new plants from cuttings of parent plant 5. Name a type of asexual reproduction that is seen in yeast cells and the Hydra. Answer: budding 6. Sexual reproduction is accomplished through the union of a __ and an __. Answer: male sperm, female egg 7. Egg and sperm are created by a process known as ___. Answer: meiosis

5 8. What is the difference between sex cells and body cells concerning chromosome number?
Answer: sex cells contain only half the chromosome number of regular body cells 9. Why is this important or necessary? Answer: if the number of chromosomes were not halved in the sex cells, organisms would double their chromosome number every generation.

6 “The Fine Art of Naming Organisms”
Questions p “The Fine Art of Naming Organisms” Entry 84

7 Answers “to change” This name is appropriate because the amoeba’s shape is always changing Pseudopodia “oval” Cilia It is bright green It moves like an animal and does not have a cell wall

8 “true pupil of the eye” An eyespot (or stigma) which it uses to find the brightest spot Flagellum “to roll” Protista includes a diverse lot of mostly single-celled, aquatic organisms that have a well-defined nucleus.

9 “Welcome to the Monera Kingdom”
Questions p “Welcome to the Monera Kingdom” Entry 86

10 answers To belong to Monera an organism has to be missing a nuclear membrane which encloses its genetic material. Bacteria belong to Monera Unicellular Viruses Bacteria are everywhere: soil, air, water, in plants, and in animals

11 To see bacteria you need a powerful microscope like an electron microscope
Bacteria are grouped based on shape Shapes are rod, spiral and spherical Bacteria that make you sick are called “germs” Ex. Of harmful bacteria: Streptococcus. Helpful bacteria: some bacteria live in our intestine and help process food; some bacteria in plants help put nitrogen into the soil.

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