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Physical and Chemical Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Changes

2 Drill Label the following as an Element, Compound, Homogeneous, or Heterogeneous Mixture Iron Sugar water Carbon dioxide Place Signed Forms in the appropriate bin in the back!

3 Agenda Warm-Up Review of HW (and collect) Grouping Activity
Talk about Grouping Notes Looking Forward Math Pre-Test Exit Slip

4 Review of Homework Questions???

5 Grouping Activity With your group, read the statement on the sheet of paper Categorize them into multiple groups (you decide how many) and label them

6 Example Pizza Colored pencils Strawberries Cucumbers Tape Bananas

7 Questions?? Have at it!!!! 

8 Grouping- More Detail Talk to a near-by group
Explain how you categorized it Work together to make a new grouping chart Tape the paper onto the whiteboard provided

9 To understand the difference between chemical and physical changes
Objective- Again To understand the difference between chemical and physical changes


11 States of Matter Solids = definite volume, definite shape
Liquids = definite volume, no definite shape Gases = no definite volume, no definite shape

12 Law of Conservation of Matter: Matter cannot be created or destroyed
Laws of Matter Law of Conservation of Matter: Matter cannot be created or destroyed Law of Definite Proportions: a compound contains the same proportion of elements by mass

13 Physical Properties Definition Examples Properties that can be observed or measured without changing the substance Melting Malleability Solubility Conductivity Mass Length Color Boiling point Luster Volume Ductility

14 Chemical Properties Definition Examples Properties observed when substances are chemically changing Ability of a substance to chemically change Rot Decompose React Burn Rust Explode pH

15 Intensive Properties Definition Examples Properties that do NOT depend on the amount of matter Color Chemical potential Boiling point Density

16 Extensive Properties Properties that do depend on the amount of matter
Definition Examples Properties that do depend on the amount of matter Mass Volume Length Particle number

17 Physical Changes Changes in size, shape, state, or appearance
Definition Examples Changes in size, shape, state, or appearance Matter stays the same Breaking Bending Cutting Melting Boiling

18 Chemical Changes Matter changes to a different kind of matter
Definition Examples Matter changes to a different kind of matter Make something new Rusting Cooking Burning Reacting **Indicators: Color change, gas formation, precipitation formation, temperature change

19 Looking Forward… Tuesday, September 6 Separation of Mixtures
Thursday, September 8 Separation of Mixtures Separation Lab Safety Contract Closed-Toe Shoes Quiz on Matter Classification of Matter Physical/Chemical Intensive/extensive Separation of Mixture START MEASUREMENT UNIT

20 Exit Slip Explain the difference between a chemical and a physical change in your own words.

21 Videos… The chemistry of fireworks Why do leaves change color
Why do leaves change color

22 Homework Create 2 Posters (1 for chemical change and 1 for physical change) Can use computer or draw on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper Must include What type of change it is (chemical or physical) What is happening (example: iron rusting) Picture (or multiple pictures) Explanation of why you categorized it as a chemical or physical change Name and period ON THE BACK NOTE: These are to be nice since I want to hang them up in the room!!!  DUE: Thursday, September 3rd If you don’t have a printer- it to me at

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