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RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Software Update Takashi HACHIYA RIKEN 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Reported at Analysis Meeting
Calibration readiness and recalibrator Not ready for Hot/Dead map (no H/D map for many runs) Not ready for geometry (now final checking) Not ready for Beam center (need to scan) Contact parson : Takashi Software Development We are discussing about CNT based tracking Chi2 problem Background estimation Photon Conversion tagging I answered that we need 2 weeks to converge the discussions 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Request for test/calibration production
We would like to request a test/calibration production for VTX Purpose: Hot/dead map (pixel and strip) Beam Center calibration 1 PRDF file for all “good” runs after the last (4th) repair (Run ) VTX Code is ready We needs some more work for full VTX production but the current code is good enough for the test production Based on the hot/dead map generated in the test production, we will finalize the good run list for the full VTX production. Less than 1 week after muon production Prepare the macro and code until then. Hot&Dead Map (SvxDstQA and SvxFillHistoPixel, SvxStripFindHotDead) Beam Center (??) Geometry Alignment ?? QA for Cluster, SATrack and CNT based Tracking, RP 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Status of Good Run List Making the good run list is in progress Good run list : After 4th repair (Run ) runs (3.3B Evts with no trg cut) Mark < 4 mark is a flag showing the data quality put by the shift crew. Based on the hot &dead map for the pixel 2nd good run candidate Between 3rd and 4th repair (Run ) We have Hot&Dead Map for 113 runs (out of 333, 34%) Snapshot of good run list See the excel file Good Run Warning Run Bad Run RunNumber NBadChip (out of 480) 347248 138 347249 136 347256 279 347261 201 347795 144 347799 140 347800 122 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Plan for JPS Algorithm discription SATracking CNT based Tracking Primary Vertex Measurement Need the input from Akimoto-kun what the equation is used for the calculation Plot efficiency and purity Momentum Resolution of SATracking Beam Profile and width Hadron DCA distribution & (electrons?) (Centrality dependence of DCA resolution) 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Momentum Resolution of SATrack
(SAT-CNT) (GeV/c) (SAT-CNT)/pT(CNT) CNT_pT (GeV/c) CNT_pT (GeV/c) Momentum resolution Associate SATrack with CNTTrack using phi0 and the0 matching. Only west arm is used Different of measured pT between SAT and CNT Width is fit by Gaussian and pol2 See backup SATrack resolution is similar with the simulation Need to subtract the CNT resolution VTX p resolution(sim) DC p resolution 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Chi2 problem Apply Chi2 cut makes the 50% track loss Suggestion Adding a status word showing the hit in each layer is unique or not (1 is unique, 0: multiple or nohit) Unique = 0b_XXXXXXXX (8bit word, MSB-LSB=(B3(7,6,5),B2(4,3,2),B1,B0) 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Run 12 hitmap list Hitmap for each runs in run12 is updated 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Problems In run 11 We have a problem on the Small Nhit w.r.t BbcCharge in the hit correlation. This may cause the MB selection. In Run 12 production, PrimVertex reconstruction is very low efficiency reported by John (chen) and Melynda Reconstruction efficiensy is less than 1% I asked John to investigate it using the event display 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Snapshot of Simulation study
CNT_Reco_pT(GeV/c) sim_pT(GeV/c) All DC quality(31or63) All Nassociated>=3 CNT_Reco_pT(GeV/c) sim_pT(GeV/c) There is 2 lines in the correlation, but requiring the track quality or nhit>=3, the second line is disapeared. The track in the second line might be a ghost or so (kicked track due to multiple scattering?) Simulation data 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Snapshot of Simulation study
Y of origin (cm) Y of origin (cm) X of origin (cm) X of origin (cm) Most of the particles comes from the primary vertex Red point at (0,0) But some particles comes far from the p-vtx. Beam pipe and VTX structure is seen Nhit>=3 is required in the plot. We can measure particles after bending by multiple scattering and so on. 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
DCA distribution All chi2(dp)<10 All chi2(dp)<10 The chi2 cut artificially choose the DCA around zero. 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
DCA vs dphi3 All Tracks Chi2(dphi)<10 DCA DCA dphi3 dphi3 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
dphi3 vs dphi0 dphi3 dphi3 All track Chi2(dphi)<10 dphi0(cm) dphi0(cm) Chi2 cut choose green band, but actual correlation is with in the red band 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
DCA Comparison between Reco. and Sim.
RecoDCA(cm) Improbed RecoDCA(cm) SimDCA(cm) SimDCA(cm) SimDCA is calculated by the GEANT info p vector at origin and the origin point. Reco. DST is much narrower than before the improvement No strange correlation in SimDCA 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
backup 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Association SATrack with CNT
Use west |dphi|<0.03 Phi0(CNT) – phi0(SAT) Phi0(CNT) – phi0(SAT) Corrected Phi0(CNT) Phi0(CNT) |dthe|<0.01 the0(CNT) – the0(SAT) dpT(SAT-CNT) (GeV/c) charge*CNT_pT(GeV/c) 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Association SATrack with CNT
dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) dpT(GeV/c) 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Algorithm : Track Association to VTX hit
CNT track Actual Track B3 B2 B1 B0 dphi range dphi3 dphi2 Algorithm : Track Association to VTX hit Use CNT track as a seed. Search for the associated hit at the outer layer. loose cut for large DCA Search for the next associated hit using the residual correlation. Choose the “Good” associated hits using the least chi2. dphi3 vs dz3 dphi3 (cm) dz3 (cm) 1cm dphi3 (cm) dphi2 (cm) 5mm 1mm 𝜒 2 = 𝑑𝑝ℎ𝑖′ 𝜎 𝑝ℎ𝑖 𝑑𝑧′ 𝜎 𝑧 2 𝑑𝑝ℎ 𝑖 ′ =𝑑𝑝ℎ 𝑖 𝑖 −𝑑𝑝ℎ 𝑖 𝑗 𝑑 𝑧 ′ =𝑑 𝑧 𝑖 −𝑑 𝑧 𝑗 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
B0 Center of B bending Track vector DCA0 DCA calculation 1) DCA0 calculation DCA0 is calculated using track vector at B0 hit Track is bent by B-field. Based on the vector, track trajectory is calculated as a circle. DCA0 is calculated. 2-1 DCA0 can be improved using the outer layer hit 2-2 DCA0 can be improved by refitting with Kalman Filter method Matt is working Associated cluster is kept in the DST. 2) Further improvement of DCA (in progress) DCA0 DCA Measured vector at DCH DCH B0 True track vector B3 l3 l0 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Status of Software Software development for the production is in progress SvxCentralTrackReco: We are still discussing about the following items at the VTX software meeting. Tracking Algorithm (Chi2 cut) Background estimation of the random association Photon conversion tagging We need more time to converge the discussion. Reaction Plane Calculation (Q vector calculation) Ready. Software for recalibrator Reaction Plane calculation with correction (re-centering, flattening) Kalman Filter for refitting the track with associated hits. Alignment for chi2 calculation and so on Momentum recal. These modules are now under development 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Status of Calibration/Recalibrator
Items Stage Status Description Who Pixel HotDead Before Production Done H Sako Strip HotDead in progress; only a few runs are done Rachid Geometry Alignment 1st version (almost) done; needs confirmation for several runs Hidemitsu Maya Mikhail BeamCenter&Offset code ready; done for a few runs; needs 1PRDF/run for pre-production Hidemitsu Takashi Bad data check During production Code ready Bad event due to locking the cellID. This happens at the end of Run Akitomo dE/dx not ready; Plan B is to do it in a recalibrator Alex Shaver RP(VTX) Recalibrator code to store Q-vectors ready. Calibration(re-centering/Flattening) code is in progress. Nakagomi Esumi Kalman Fit not ready Matt Wysocki momentum recalib for SAT not started yet. We can develop the recalibraotr for this during the production recalibrate momentum of StandAlone track using Dch track TBN Geometry Alignment(2) recaliculate/fine tune dphi, dz 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Status of Calibration used for the production
Contact person : Takashi HACHIYA (RIKEN) Status Hot&Dead map Pixel is almost ready (done for run by run hot/dead map) Strip is in progress( currently one hot/dead map) Input : Rawhit Beam Center calibration Need to scan the run before full production starts. 1 PRDF for 1 run is good for Beam Center calibration Input: Primary vertex by SATrack Geometry Calibration 1st version is done Need to check if 1st version works for the other run. Input: Cluster in VTX and CNT track Code for the Calibration Basically in the CVS, but in the private area (offline/analysis/…) 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Request for test/calibration production
We would like to request a test/calibration production for VTX Purpose: Hot/dead map (pixel and strip) Beam Center calibration 1 PRDF file for all “good” runs after the last (4th) repair (Run ) VTX Code is ready We needs some more work for full VTX production but the current code is good enough for the test production Based on the hot/dead map generated in the test production, we will finalize the good run list for the full VTX production. 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
RIKEN VTX software Meeting
Test Production I requested the test production for HotDead Map for Pixel and Strip Beam Center Calibration Good RunList Test production 1 PRDF for every run after 4th repair Need to prepare the production macro with calibration (QA code) Hot&Dead Map (SvxDstQA and SvxFillHistoPixel, SvxStripFindHotDead) Beam Center (??) Geometry Alignment ?? QA for Cluster, SATrack and CNT based Tracking Hot&Dead Map Status We have Hot&Dead Map for 113 runs (out of 333, 34%) We need to make H&D Map for these runs before the production starts 2012/3/15 RIKEN VTX software Meeting
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