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Welcome to Parent Night with 2nd Grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent Night with 2nd Grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent Night with 2nd Grade!
DeFrancisco, DeHaven, Malouf, Mouton, Morgan, Murray

2 Overview Need to knows before moving on to 3rd grade ELA MATH
Reading level Comprehension Fluency (94-124) React and respond to text MATH 2-digit addition and subtraction (with regrouping) Addition and subtraction fact fluency Determining the value of a digit up to the 1,000th place


4 By the end of 2nd grade, students are expected to exit on a level 28.
Reading Level By the end of 2nd grade, students are expected to exit on a level 28. Reading everyday helps improve their reading level. We have guided reading groups everyday and intervention reading groups to help boost their reading.

5 Level 28 Example

6 Comprehension & Fluency
This includes being able to react and respond to the book they are given, comprehend (infer meaning and use text evidence to answer questions), and read with fluency and expression.

7 Level 28 Question Examples
What are your strengths and weaknesses as a reader?

8 2-digit Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping
Students are expected to be able to solve two 3 digit numbers and up to four 2-digit numbers with addition and two 2-digit numbers with subtraction, both with regrouping. Students need to have a good concept of place value to manipulate numbers in the ones and tens when regrouping. This will lead into the concept of 3-digit addition when moving into 3rd grade.

9 Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Examples

10 Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency & Number Sense
Students are expected to know basic addition and subtraction facts within 20 with automaticity. Example: 2+2; 2+3; 10-5; 9-1 Number Sense: used for mental math and knowing how to manipulate numbers

11 Let’s Practice! We’re going to call out three numbers, the first person to raise their hand will be called on to answer the question. You must be able to answer quickly. Once you’ve answered the question you cannot answer again :)

12 What is the value?? Students are expected to know value up to the thousands place. Examples: 1, 906: What’s the value of the digit in the hundreds place? 785: What is the value of the digit in the ones place? 432: What is the value of the digit in the tens place?

13 What can you do to help? Tumblebooks (
Username: willisisd; password: reads (addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts) Starfall ( ABCya ( Summer reading clubs at your local library Engage in summer packet (more information to come) Read, Read, READ over the summer :)

14 Q & A!!!

15 Thank you for coming! If you would like to reference anything we discussed tonight, this powerpoint presentation will be posted on our websites. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask your child’s teacher. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening!

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