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QT resummation in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process

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1 QT resummation in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process
Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN) Oct. 6, 2005 RADCOR2005, Shonan Village work in common with J. Kodaira (KEK) H. Shimizu (KEK) K. Tanaka (Juntendo U) Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

2 Introduction  Spin projects at RHIC
pp collider experiment with longitudinal/transverse polarization 2001 ~ ~ RUN s = 200 GeV RUN5 − helicity structure of the proton gluon polarization − spin dependent dynamics large single spin asymmetry ↔ T-odd FF − transverse structure transversity distribution “tDY” process Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

3 Transversity distribution function
Ralston & Soper ‘79 − last unmeasured twist-2 pdf − chiral-odd (not measured in DIS) − relativistic effect − Soffer’s inequality Soffer ‘95 − DGLAP splitting functions 1-loop : Artru & Mukhfi ’90 2-loop : Hayashigaki ‘97, Kumano&Miyama ‘97, Vogelsang ‘98 Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

4 Transversely Polarized DY process
— Only q-qbar initial state contributes. — Transverse asymmetry  cos(2φ) → observe φof the final lepton  1-loop corrections to tDY No direct calculation in D-dim. — D-dim. calculation keepingφ: cumbersome compared with unpol. case. 1-loop, MS-bar for Q_T integrated cross section using scheme tr. Vogelsang ‘98 We calculated Q_T distribution of DY pair directly in D-dimension. Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

5 1-loop calculations Partonic Cross Section
calculation in MS-bar scheme naive anti-commuting  Tree + Virtual corrections Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

6 lengthy but all O(ε) terms cancel in collinear limit
Real emission lengthy but all O(ε) terms cancel in collinear limit Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

7 1-loop result X: singular at qT =0, Y: finite at qT =0
Splitting function Artru & Mukhi ‘90 Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

8 1-loop result (cont’d) — All terms are finite as Q_T → 0
— By integrating X+Y w.r.t. Q_T, we reproduced the known result. Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

9 QT resummation  QT distribution of DY-pair → recoil logs ;
QT << Q ; Soft gluon emission become important → resummation needed. Leading Logs (LL) Next to Leading Logs (NLL) NNLL etc. Finite terms O(а) fixed order calculation  NLO resummation Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

10 General formula Momentum conservation → Impact parameter space b
Collins, Soper ’81 Collins, Soper, Sterman ‘85 Momentum conservation → Impact parameter space b General formula — A, B, C are perturbtively calculable. Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

11 Resummation at NLL NLL approximation From 1-loop result,
consistent with general relations De Florian & Grazzini ‘00 Kodaira & Trantadue ‘82 Together with Y terms at O(α), we obtained the first result of NLL Q_T resummation formula of tDY. Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

12 Contour deformation method
Landau pole at in Sudakov factor b  Contour deformation in b-integration : C1 bmax bL C2 Hankel like fn. positive frequency negative frequency — introduced in “Joint resummation”. Laenen et al. ‘01 Kulesza et al. ‘02 — no need to introduce bmax as in b* formalism. — reproduce perturbative results order by order. cf. Minimal prescription in threshold resummation Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

13 Numerical calculations
PDF − a model given by Martin, Shäfer, Stratmann,Vogelsang (‘98). (1) at initial scale (2) evolved to complex scale : b0/b numerically 2. Small b : Catani et al. ‘93 Bozzi et al. ’03 → expS(b,Q) = 1 at b=0 (correct overall normalization) 3. Non-perturbative effects ↔ IR renormalon ambiguity from Landau pole simplest form : intrinsic kT Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

14 s = 100 GeV, Q = 10 GeV, y=0 FNP(b) =exp(-0.5b2)
Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

15 s = 100 GeV, Q = 10 GeV, Y=0 Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

16 s = 200 GeV, Q = 20 GeV, Y=0 Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

17 Double Spin Asymmetry : s = 100 GeV, Q = 10 GeV, Y=0
Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

18 Summary Chiral-odd distribution can be measured in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process by measuring φdependence of the cross section. We calculated O(α) corrections to QT-distribution of DY pair in MS-bar scheme. The soft gluon effects are included all order resummation at NLL accuracy. — b-integral defined by contour deformation   Spin asymmetry  10 % at (S, Q, y) = (100GeV, 10GeV, 0) at most. — difficult to measure at RHIC — fixed target experiment at GSI? Hiroyuki Kawamura (RIKEN)

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