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Spacetime Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Spacetime Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spacetime Structure

2 Galilean Transformations
Newton’s laws are conserved (invariant) under Galilean transformations Coordinate Velocity addition

3 Failure of Galilean Transformations
Maxwell’s equations are not invariant under Galilean transformations! Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the speed of light is c=2.99×108 m/s in all inertial reference frames! As such, Maxwell’s Equations are also not conserved under Galilean transformations Need new type of coordinate transformation – and therefore geometry -- that makes it so!

4 Spacetime Geometry Space and time are not separate quantities, but are parts of the same framework (manifold) Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the speed of light is c=2.99×108 m/s in all inertial reference frames! As such, Maxwell’s Equations are also not conserved under Galilean transformations Need new type of coordinate transformation – and therefore geometry -- that makes it so!

5 Spacetime Diagrams

6 Natural (SR) Units It is convenient to set c = 1 when working in special relativity! This means we can express distance in time units, or vice versa! So, in natural units, 1 second is equivalent to this unit of distance Similarly, Bottom line: we can use distance and time interchangeably, because they can be expressed in the same units! (same with energy and masss!)

7 Spacetime Structure Spacetime is a four-dimensional manifold
Points in spacetime are specified by the coordinates Spacetime diagrams are a two-dimensional representation consisting of the t coordinate and the x (direction of relative motion)

8 Spacetime Structure and Spacetime Diagrams

9 Light cone represented by 45º lines (x=t) in all reference frames
v = c = 1 t x Time axis (rest or “home” frame) Light cone represented by 45º lines (x=t) in all reference frames Origin (t=0,x=0) of rest/home frame coord. system Space axis (rest or “home” frame)

10 An event is something that happens at a specific point in spacetime
x An event is something that happens at a specific point in spacetime Event at (t=3,x=1) Event at (t=2,x=2) Event at (t=1,x=3) Event at (t=0,x=0)

11 Regions of Spacetime Since nothing can travel faster than light, the spacetime diagram can be broken into three regions: Timelike region: the collection of spacetime points (events) that can be influenced by an event at (0,0). Causally connected to origin Lightlike region: the collection of spacetime points (events) that lie along the light cone. Spacelike region: the collection of spacetime points (events) that cannot be influenced by an event at (0,0) Causally disconnected to origin

12 t x Timelike region Lightlike “region” Spacelike region

13 Lines joining causally-connected events have slopes ≥𝟏
x Timelike region Lightlike “region” Lines joining causally-connected events have slopes ≥𝟏 Causally connected Causally connected Spacelike region NOT causally connected

14 Slices of constant time are horizontal lines (parallel to the x-axis)
All x at specific t (photograph!) t = 3 t = 2 t = 1 t = 0

15 The worldline of an object is the path it follows in spacetime.
v = c = 1 The worldline of an object is the path it follows in spacetime. t x Its slope can never be ≤1 because v ≤1

16 World line of motionless object at x=2 in rest frame
World line of motionless object in rest frame at x=0 Worldlines of objects that are motionless in the rest frame are parallel to the t axis (and perpendicular to the x-axis) Space axis (rest or “home” frame)

17 Worldline of object with v = 0.5 in rest frame
x Worldline of object with v = 0.1 in rest frame

18 D =½ T We define distance by the round-trip
travel-time of a pulse of light (“radar method”) t x D =½ T T Mirror D x

19 t The line joining the reflection points defines the spatial axis in the rest frame! +3t +2t +t x -t -2t If light signal goes out some fixed distance in a time t and reflects, then it will come back in the same amount of time. Sends light signal -3t

20 Moving Reference Frames

21 t t x Line which represents something moving at velocity v (spaceship as seen from the Earth) is equivalent to the time axis of the observer inside the spaceship!!

22 If light signal goes out a distance D in a time
The line joining the reflection points defines the spatial axis in the moving reference frame! +3t x +2t +t x -t If light signal goes out a distance D in a time t and reflects, then it will come back in the same amount of time according to the moving frame (ship)! -2t -3t Sends light signal

23 t x t x “Photographs” in rest frame (events in all space at fixed time) t4 t3 t2 t1 Lines of constant t are parallel to x-axis!

24 t x t x “Photographs” in moving frame t4 t3 t2 t1 Lines of constant t are parallel to x-axis!

25 t x t x The coordinate transformations from (t,x) to (t, x) are called Lorentz Transformations!

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