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Flux Rope from Eruption Data (FRED) and its Interplanetary Counterpart
Nat Gopalswamy NASA Goddard Space Flight Center S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, H. Xie The Catholic University of America ISEST/MiniMax24 Jeju Sep 18-22, 2017
Motivation All CMEs reaching 1-AU seem to have flux rope structure (irrespective of observed MC or non- MC structure of ICMEs) All ICMEs are associated with post-eruption arcades at the Sun; similar in MC and non-MC sources (Yashiro et al. 2013) near-Sun and 1- AU flux rope fits (Marubashi et al. 2015) to MC and non-MC events Similar heavy-ion charge states requiring flare plasma injection into flux ropes (Gopalswamy et al. 2013) On the other hand CME arrival models use a pressure pulse or ad hoc magnetic structures as input Needed: a realistic flux rope input – Flux Rope from Eruption Data (FRED) Mouschovias and Poland, 1978 Both geometrical and magnetic properties of a coronal flux rope can be obtained from eruption data Post-eruption arcade, LOS magnetogram, white-light CME data under the assumption of cylindrical force-free flux rope
Simultaneous Onset of Flare & CME
van Ballegooijen & Martens, 1989 Gosling 1990 Longcope et al. 2007 Qiu et al. 2007 Two magnetic structures during eruption: Post eruption arcade Flux rope (CME) Reconnection at * * * * * Origin of Mass and EM emissions Gopalswamy 2009 Gopalswamy 2009
Flux Rope Fit to White-light CMEs
Krall & St Cyr (2006) single view (SOHO/LASCO) Thernisien (2011) Multiview (STEREO/SECCHI) Geometrical properties: flux rope radius, leading-edge height, aspect ratio Main parameter we use: R0/Rtip Related to the kappa parameter in the GCS model (Thernsien 2011) Λ = 2R1/d = R1/R0 R0 Rtip Krall & St Cyr (2006); Krall (2007)
Magnetic Properties P r
Coronal flux rope can be constructed using Φr and CME flux rope fit CME and flare properties closely related to Φr Coronal flux ropes can be tracked and compared with 1-au flux ropes If CME flux ropes are formed during eruption, then the total reconnected (RC) flux (Φr) is same as the poloidal flux (Φp) of the resulting FR: Φr ≈ Φp (Longcope et al. 2007; Qiu et al ; Hu et al. 2014; Gopalswamy et al ) Φr can be computed using the photospheric B underlying cumulative ribbon area (Longcope et al. 2007; Qiu et al. 2007; Kazachenko et al. 2017) Φr can also be computed in a simpler way as half the flux underlying post eruption arcades (Gopalswamy et al. 2017) ribbons r P Longcope et al. 2007
Reconnected Flux fro PEA
Photospheric flux in the area under the post eruption arcade in the flare decay phase gives 2ΦrA GOES C4.1 flare There is good agreement between RC fluxes obtained from Ribbon (ΦrR) and Arcade (ΦrA) methods: ΦrA = 1.24(ΦrR)0.99 ΦP = 1.29(Φr)0.85 Cumulative flare-ribbon area (A) is projected on photospheric magnetogram to get the reconnected (RC) flux ΦrR =BA, where B is the average magnetic field (Qiu et al. 2007) The RC flux (Φr) is also significantly correlated with the poloidal flux (ΦP) of the associated magnetic clouds Gopalswamy et al. 2017, Solar Phys. 292, 65
Soft X-ray Flare Size and Fluence
Kazachenko et al. 2017 Kazachenko et al. 2017 The RC flux is well correlated with flare size and flare fluence The flare fluence has a better correlation True for both MCs and Ejecta Gopalswamy et al JASTP
CME Speed and Kinetic Energy
Both speed and kinetic energy of the CMEs are well correlated with the RC Flux (r = 0.60, 0.69) The higher the RC Flux, the faster are the CMEs KE has the second highest correlation with RC flux (the highest was with soft X-ray flare fluence) True when the CMEs ended up as MCs or ejecta (a) (a) One event (2000 October 2) was excluded from the correlations because the arcade was ill-defined. Diamonds – no mass data, so 1016 g assumed Gopalswamy et al JASTP
Force-free Flux Ropes Φp = (L/x01)B0R0 L-FR length; R-radius; Ba-axial field strength Φt = (B0R02/x01) 2πJ1(x01) - 1st order Bessel function; J1 (x01) =0.5192 Bp = HB0J1(αr) with H = ±1 (helicity sign) Bt = B0J0(αr); J0 – zeroth order Bessel, x01- its zero; α = x01/R0 Hr/L = 0.7B02R03 Φt /Φp = (R/L) 2πJ1(x01) = 1.63R/Rtip Φp from Φr L, R0 from FR fit to white-light data H from PEA skew or hemisphere rule Get flux rope B0 in the corona or any other heliospheric location
Example: 2012 July 12 Helicity sign: positive (RH) tilt angle -47 deg
Area = 7.2×1019 cm2, <B> = 392 G; RC Flux = 1.42×1022 Mx Gopalswamy et al IAU 335
Flux Rope Fit to white-light CME
Direction: S15W01 tilt = -53 deg Aspect ratio = 0.31 R0/Rtip = 0.26 At Rtip = 10 Rs, R0 = 2.6 Rs At Rtip = 1 AU R0 = 0.26 AU B0 = Φrx01/R0L = 0.13 G axial field strength (L = 2 Rtip =20 Rs) Self-similar expansion B01au = B0 (10/214)2 = 28.3 nT Hess & Jang 2014
Consistency Check V = 298φr0.75 (Gopalswamy et al. 2017 JASTP)
V = 1548 km/s φr = 9.0×1021 Mx vs. observed 1.42×1022 Mx Hr/L = 0.7B02R03 Coronal FR: Hr = 9.98 ×1043 Mx2
1- AU Flux Rope Bt ~ 30 nT, not too different from the estimate from coronal value MC size at 1 AU =0.26 AU (self similar expansion) MC duration = 0.26 AU/500 km/s = 22 h (average MC speed 500 km/s) Similar to GS size (Hu et al. 2016) Hess & Zhang 2014
Coronal Flux Rope B0 vs. 1-AU Bt
Cycle 23 Eruptions (CDAW) Krall & St Cyr flux rope MCs and non-MCs considered Correlation significant with p = 0.005 Btot = 21.9 logφr−453.2 nT For φr = 1.42×1022 Mx Btot = 31.9 nT - another consistency check Gopalswamy et al IAU 335
Summary Flux ropes can be completely defined near the Sun using eruption data (photospheric B, PEA, and ME in white-light or EUV), RC flux being the fundamental quantity RC flux is highly correlated with Flare fluence and CME kinetic energy Possibility of flux rope formation during eruption: the flux of pre-existing flux rope if any is very small Axial field magnitude and direction determine asymptotic flux rope properties
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