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Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning – Empowering students as equal stakeholders in the enhancement of teaching and learning @ForumTL.

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Presentation on theme: "Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning – Empowering students as equal stakeholders in the enhancement of teaching and learning @ForumTL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning – Empowering students as equal stakeholders in the enhancement of teaching and learning @ForumTL

2 Student Associate Interns
Who are we? Student Associate Interns Dale Whelehan Karolyn McDonnell @ForumTL

3 What is the National Forum?
Leaders of the cultural change towards ‘Students as Partners’ Committed to Enhancing Student-Centred Teaching and Learning National Advisory Body for Teaching and Learning in Irish Higher Education

4 What do our roles involve?
Student Success Develop Strategy Student Voice: Digital Transform-ation Embed communi-cation channels Members of the team Students as Partners throughout the sector

5 Student consultation: Key findings so far
The meaning of ‘Student Success’ varies greatly among individual students. Teaching and learning are influenced by multiple factors, personal and non-personal. Digital aspects of teaching and learning must involve students. Professional development of staff is important to students. Student as equal stakeholders  is highly valued by students.

6 Over to you… Please tell us what you think!

7 1. STUDENT SUCCESS What does being successful in higher level education mean for you? What 3 things should policy makers focus on to enable student success?

What digital technologies have you found most useful for your learning/teaching? What are your recommendations for improvements in using digital technologies in higher education?

9 3. STUDENTS AS PARTNERS What actions could be implemented to ensure that a Students as Partners approach is practiced and visible in your institution?

10 Thank You! @ForumTL

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