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Vocab Words Week 3 Mr. Matzka.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Words Week 3 Mr. Matzka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Words Week 3 Mr. Matzka

2 bamboozle (v) To cheat or trick

3 banter (n) a playful conversation; good natured teasing

4 belligerent (adj) ready to fight

5 benign (adj) harmless, mild, kind

6 bizarre (adj) extremely weird, or farfetched

7 blasphemy (noun) insult to anything sacred; profanity

8 bolster (v) to support, as in a group.

9 Bona fide (adj) not phony, real

10 bovine (adj) relating to an animal specifically a cow, ox, or buffalo

11 brink (n) edge

12 Beneficial (adj) valuable, needed

13 bureau (n) office or agency; dresser

14 biopsy (n) the removal of a sample of human body tissue for analysis

15 bias (n) a particular tendency

16 benefactor (n) one who provides help for others

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