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DSD Third Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development.

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Presentation on theme: "DSD Third Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 DSD Third Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 October 2017 – 31 December 2017) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 23 May 2018

2 Overview Purpose Strategic priorities Programmes purpose Performance Summary Performance per programme Summary of Expenditure Expenditure per programme

3 Purpose Purpose: To inform the Portfolio Committee of :
The Department’s performance against its pre-determined objectives for the third quarter of 2017/18 financial year; The State of Expenditure of the Department at the end of the third quarter of 2017/18 financial year.

4 Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF :  Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services

5 PROGRAMMES PURPOSE Programme 1: Administration
To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide income support to vulnerable groups. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social policy development and the fair administration of social assistance. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and the provision of support to the implementation agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector

6 Performance Summary

7 Standard Reporting Format and Rating System
For the quarterly report, and for ease of analysis an additional colour coded column, (green, amber and red), is used to determine progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required 7


9 Summary of Performance for Quarter 1, 2 and 3
During the third quarter reporting period ( 1 October – 31 December 2017). There was a decline in the achievement of targets as compared to the second quarter. Targets fully achieved declined by 6% from 66% in the second to 60% in the third quarter. Targets which were partially achieved also declined by 4% from 17% in the second quarter to 13% in the third quarter. Conversely, targets which were not met at all increased by 10% from 17% in the second quarter to 27% in the third quarter. The downward trend is concerning given that there’s only one quarter remaining before the end of financial year "Building a Caring Society. Together"

10 Performance Per Programme


12 Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2017-18 Quarter 3 Report
No. of Targets Achieved No. of Targets that are partially Achieved No. of Targets Not Achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 5 4 13 14% Programme 2 7 1 8 9% Programme 3 6 2 9 Programme 4 17 3 29 31% Programme 5 21 10 34 37% 56 12 26 93 100%

Portfolio Committee

14 Programme 1 Administration:
Intergovernmental Relations and Strategy Development and Business Annual Target Facilitate DSD participation in 8 international engagements Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Facilitate participation in 2 international engagements During the period under review 10 international engagements were facilitated Develop Information and Knowledge Management Policy Quarter 3 Achievements Consult internal stakeholders on the Draft Information and Knowledge Management Policy Information and Knowledge Management draft policy was developed and circulated to stakeholders internal for comments and inputs Portfolio Committee

15 Programme 1 Administration :
Monitoring and Evaluation and Internal Audit Annual Target Develop M&E tools to measure Outcomes for Social protection Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Develop draft data collection tools to measure Outcomes for Social protection Draft data collection tools to measure Outcomes for Social protection were developed Audit 26 risk-based projects Perform 7 internal audit reviews to determine compliance with legislation and policies 7 Audit Projects to determine compliance with legislation and policies were completed Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee

17 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Old Age Grant Beneficiaries: 3  Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Old Age Grant beneficiaries: older persons benefitted from Old Age Grant Child Support Grant Beneficiaries: 12  Child Support Grant Beneficiaries: children benefited from the Child Support Grant War veterans grant beneficiaries :124 Quarter 3 Target War veterans grant beneficiaries 137 145 war veterans benefited from the War Veteran Grant Disability Grant Beneficiaries Disability Grant Beneficiaries disabled benefited from Disability Grant Portfolio Committee

18 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Care Dependency Grant: Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Care Dependency Grant Beneficiaries: persons benefitted from Care Dependency Grant Foster Child Grant: Quarter 1 Target persons benefitted from Foster Child Grant: persons benefitted from Forster Child Grant Grant-in-Aid: Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Grant-in-Aid Beneficiaries: persons benefitted from Grant-in Aid Award Social Relief of Distress (SRD) applications Social Relief of Distress applications were awarded Social Relief of Distress applications were awarded Portfolio Committee

Portfolio Committee

20 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy and Administration:
Social Security Policy Development and Appeals Adjudication Annual Target Develop policy on Mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Consult relevant stakeholders The Department met with Nedlac Comprehensive Social Security and Retirement Reform Task Team in October, November and December 2017, as part of consulting process. The consultation was further extended to the Disability and Older persons Sector in Kimberly, Bloemfontein and Pretoria. Consultations on the draft discussion paper on pregnancy and maternity benefits Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Consult with stakeholders in provinces. Consultations with civil society were held in 3 Provinces, namely Mpumalanga, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Eastern Cape. Adjudicate 70% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Quarter 1 Target Adjudicated 95.83% (345 of 360) appeals within 90 days of receipt Portfolio Committee

21 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy and Administration:
Inspectorate for Social Assistance Annual Target Conduct 9 Fraud awareness campaigns Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievement Conduct 2 Fraud Awareness Campaigns Three Fraud Awareness Campaigns were conducted at the following SASSA offices; • Mpumalanga in Nelspruit • Gauteng at the SASSA Head office • KwaZulu-Natal at the Durban district office Implement the stakeholder and partnership strategy Quarter 3 Achievement Conduct 6 stakeholders engagements In the period under review 8 Stakeholder engagements were held with SASSA in the Eastern Cape (7) and Mpumalanga (1) Portfolio Committee


23 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Consult with stakeholders within the sector on the Demand and Supply Model Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Consult with departmental internal structures on the Demand and Supply Model The draft model was presented to the Welfare Services Forum to solicit their inputs and buy in Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs Progress report on implementation of the strategy was developed Conduct Older Person Parliament Conduct Older Persons National Parliament National Parliament for older persons was hosted in KZN on the 23rd October 2017

24 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
ECD Annual Target Approval of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Provide technical support to assist the development of provincial Implementation Plans The technical support was provided to provinces at the National Child Care and Protection Forum (NCCPF) in November 2017 and the DG Cluster for Social Protection, Community and Human Development (SPCHD) on 13 December and approved the implementation plan on ECD policy to go to Cabinet. Provide subsidies to children through ECD conditional grant Provide subsidy to children through ECD conditional grant The Department provided subsidy to children through ECD conditional grant: EC: ,FS: ,GP:8 706, KZN: , LMP: , MP: 4 565, NC: 1 221, NW: and WC: 4 500 Approval of the Infrastructure Plan Consultation with national departments on the Draft Infrastructure Plan Consulted with all the relevant National Departments on the Draft Infrastructure Plan i.e. National Departments include the following; COGTA, DCS, DPSA, DRDLR, DOH, DOT and DHS.

25 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Children Services, Orphans and Vulnerable Children Annual Target Register 80% of adoptions received from Children`s Courts with complete records Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements A total of 284 adoptions have been registered with the breakdown of 240 being National adoptions while 44 being Intercountry adoptions Building capacity of provinces on the Children’s Amendment Act and Children’s Second Amendment Act Building capacity of 3 provinces Conducted Capacity building on the Children’s Amendment Act and Children’s Second Amendment Act in MP, NC WC and LP

26 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Establish 4 provincial multidisciplinary committees on integrated Social Crime Prevention Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Establish 1 provincial multidisciplinary committee on integrated Social Crime Prevention The fourth multi-disciplinary committee has been established in Free State Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 15% (17 050) Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 2.5 % A total of people accessed the GBV ommand centre In addition there were: USSDs (please call me short messages received) which were called by the GBVCC agents.

27 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Train 9 provinces on Teenage Parenting Programme Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Train 3 provinces on Teenage Parenting Programme Two provinces were trained: FS and GP. The other province (North West ) was trained in quarter 1 Conduct 3 National Anti-substance Abuse Awareness Campaigns Conduct the 2nd National Anti-substance Abuse Awareness Campaign (8 festive season road shows) Conducted anti-substance abuse festive season campaign( at 21 activation points ) in all provinces Submit Draft NDMP to Cabinet for approval Consult cluster national departments on NDMP Consulted the Draft NDMP 2018 – 2022 with the TWG of SPCHD on 21 Nov Consulted the SPCHD Cluster on NDMP 2018 – 2022 on 13 Dec 2017

28 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
HIV and AIDS Annual Target Train 500 implementers on social behaviour change Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements/Performance Train 150 implementers 156 Implementers were trained on Social Behaviour Change Draft policy framework on the management of community care workers Quarter 1 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Final consultation and services on the Draft Policy Framework on the Management of Community Care Workers Final national consultation on the Draft Policy Framework on the Management of Community Care Workers was conducted


30 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Registration and Monitoring of Non-profit Organisations Annual Target Process 98% of applications within 2 months of receipt Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements Received applications, processed and (98%) of received applications were processes within two months. Conduct NPO national road shows in 90 local municipalities Quarter 3 Achievements Conduct NPO national road shows in 15 local municipalities Conducted NPO Roadshows in 23 Municipalities Train NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Train 500 NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Trained NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act

31 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Community Mobilisation and Empowerment Annual Target 600 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements 200 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 573 Cooperatives Linked to economic opportunities through DSD and SASSA Submit the Social Development Youth Strategy for approval Consultation with stakeholders on Social Development Youth Strategy All provincial consultations on Social Development Youth Strategy were done during the first and second quarter.

32 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security Annual Target 600 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities Quarter 3 Target Quarter 3 Achievements/Performance 200 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 573 Cooperatives Linked to economic opportunities through DSD and SASSA people accessing food through CNDCs Provide food to vulnerable individuals through CNDCs Beneficiaries accessed food through CNDCs

33 Expenditure Summary

18 April 2019 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE – 3rd QUARTER OF 2017/18 74% Spending 18 April 2019 Strat Plan session Budget Committee

35 QUARTERLY SPENDING – 2017/18 R’000 18 April 2019

Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 P1 :Administration 75 961 84 166 88 414 67.39% P2: Social assistance 74.48% P3: Social Security Policy And Administration 73.33% P4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implementation Support 69.95% P5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 31 582 92.07% TOTAL 74.42% 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Programme Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Economic Classification Current Payments 67.71% Compensation of Employees 72.82% Goods and Services 57 250 81 384 95 735 61.34% Transfers and Subsidies 74.46% Provinces and municipalities 88 817 71.01% Departmental agencies and accounts 74.56% Higher education institutions 1 500 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 6 965 79 2 679 424 3 182 45.69% Non-profit institutions 15 582 -85 34 745 50 242 37.89% Households 74.51% Payments of Capital Assets 11 155 1 198 -366 1 052 1 884 16.89% TOTAL 74.42% 18 April 2019

38 Expenditure Per Programme

39 PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN 18 April 2019 Performance Review

40 P1 : ADMINISTRATION 67% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019

41 Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Programme Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Ministry 36 018 11 804 8 951 10 842 31 597 4 421 87.73% Departmental Management 68 504 15 889 16 232 18 161 50 282 18 222 73.40% Corporate Services 25 138 27 544 29 658 82 340 64 311 56.15% Finance 65 011 15 118 15 772 14 832 45 722 19 289 70.33% Internal Audit 14 346 2 145 2 677 3 213 8 035 6 311 56.01% Office Accommodation 38 258 5 867 12 990 11 708 30 565 7 693 79.89% TOTAL 75 961 84 166 88 414 67.39% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees 44 726 45 238 49 710 53 691 72.23% Goods and Services 30 501 38 810 36 756 64 832 62.06% Transfers and Subsidies 1 929 253 37 1 377 1 667 262 86.40% Payments of Capital Assets 2 595 481 81 571 1 133 1 462 43.68% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

42 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Minister – 87% spending
The high expenditure relate Minister, Deputy Minister and staff with the involvement of outreach programmes for the social sector. Corporate Services – 56% spending IMST The Department has signed a 5-year contract with SITA on a Turnkey solution for the Department. All Computer Services invoices will form part of the new contract with SITA and DSD is awaiting invoices from SITA. The Department has agreed that any payment to SITA will only be done after certain milestones/ delivery of services has taken place. To date, SITA hasn’t delivered on these milestones. The Department is however working with SITA to resolve the delays Internal Audit – 56% Delays in the filling of the 7 funded vacant posts (CD and others), which as an impact on the operational cost. 18 April 2019 Performance Review

43 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Compensation of Employees – 72%
Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Compensation of Employees – 72% Salaries and Wages due to delays in filling of funded vacancies Goods and Services – 62% Spending The Department has signed a 5-year contract with SITA on a Turnkey solution for the Department. All Computer Services invoices will form part of the new contract with SITA and DSD is awaiting invoices from SITA. The Department has agreed that any payment to SITA will only be done after certain milestones/ delivery of services has taken place. To date, SITA hasn’t delivered on these milestones. The Department is however working with SITA to resolve the delays The low expenditure also relates to cost containment measures to curb any possible projected departmental over spending. Payment of Capital Assets – 43% Spending The low spending mainly relate to delays with the procurement of departmental office equipment and office furniture and computer equipment. The Department is in the process to replace all out of warranty computer equipment and intents to pay invoices before the end of February 2018. Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

18 April 2019 Performance Review

45 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 74,5% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee
18 April 2019 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 74,5% Spent 18 April 2019

46 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017
Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT TYPE Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 OLD AGE 72.95% WAR VETERANS 2 935 1 283 807 743 2 833 96.52% DISABILITY 75.10% FOSTER CARE 76.28% CARE DEPENDENCY 72.32% CHILD SUPPORT 74.48% GRANT-IN-AID 73.45% SOCIAL RELIEF OF DISTRESS 48 314 213.35% TOTAL Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

18 April 2019 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 73,3% Spent 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Security Policy Development 75 985 7 970 10 730 10 550 29 250 46 735 38.49% Appeals Adjudication 37 007 5 986 5 652 6 490 18 128 18 879 48.99% Social Grants Administration 73.85% Social Grants Fraud Investigation 61 719 10 286 20 572 15 429 46 287 15 432 75.00% Programme Management 4 585 372 178 185 735 3 850 16.02% TOTAL 73.33% Economic Classification Current Payments 14 244 14 986 17 145 46 375 62 321 42.66% Compensation of Employees 65 951 11 050 11 492 13 017 35 559 30 392 53.92% Goods and Services 42 745 3 194 3 494 4 128 10 816 31 929 25.30% Transfers and Subsidies 73.82% Departmental agencies and accounts 73.86% Higher education institutions 1 500 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 4 230 79 1 553 1 632 2 598 38.58% Households 245 - 26 -0 219 10.56% Payments of Capital Assets 2 906 5 -5 2 826 2.74% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Social Security Policy Development – 38% spending The low spending mainly relate to the establishment of the “Inspectorate”. The slow spending on Compensation of Employees and Goods and Services relate to the additional allocations received for the establishment of the Inspectorate. Recruitment process has started and higher expenditure is estimated in the 3rd and 4th quarter of the financial year. Appeals Tribunal – 48% spending The payments of panel members are low due to the low number of appeals received than anticipated. This result in operational costs not being high as targeted due to significant decrease in the litigation appeals as a result of the Tribunal being able to adjudicate appeals within the 90-day period and SASSA informing persons not to appeal but rather wait for 3 months and then re-apply for the grant. Training for newly appointed Medical Panel Members had to be postponed due to the fact that had to resubmit the memorandum and the appointment letters to the Minister for approval. Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

18 April 2019 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 70% Spent 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Service Standards 30 028 5 131 5 354 7 151 17 636 58.73% Substance Abuse 74 953 9 631 5 272 14 929 29 832 39.80% Older Persons 20 191 1 649 1 825 12 964 16 438 81.41% People with Disabilities 29 679 4 684 5 675 7 213 17 572 59.21% Children 94 223 99 698 75.88% Families 9 359 2 083 2 741 3 055 7 879 84.18% Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 62 401 17 325 16 330 19 636 53 291 85.40% Youth 14 025 2 380 3 484 5 074 10 938 77.99% HIV and AIDS 5 273 6 339 15 070 26 682 26.21% Social Worker Scholarships 80 476 81.39% Programme Management 4 010 1 135 986 1 375 3 496 87.17% TOTAL 69.95% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

Substance Abuse – 39% spending The low spending relate to the Substance Abuse Conditional Grant to the amount of R56,9 million for the operalization of the Substance Abuse Centres. The Free State and Northern Cape centres is not operational and therefore no spending has been incurred. HIV and Aids – 26% spending The low spending relate to the transfer payment to SANAC and HIV/Aids organizations to the amount of R74 million. Only R7,5 million was spent by end December 2017. The outstanding reports were received from SANAC and the progress report was submitted on 18 December 2017 and the assessment is planned to be done on 20 December Taking into consideration of the performance assessment results, the entire allocation is expected to be released by end of January 2018. 18 April 2019 Select Committee

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Economic Classification Current Payments 53 664 64 765 76 278 74.39% Compensation of Employees 35 959 35 958 38 848 79.49% Goods and Services 17 705 28 807 37 430 83 942 68.58% Transfers and Subsidies 89 225 68.84% Provinces and municipalities 88 817 71.01% Higher education institutions 477 - 0.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 759 25 173 198 26.04% Non-profit institutions 85 -85 19 447 19.10% Households 323 60 100.38% Payments of Capital Assets 4 886 625 -443 362 544 11.14% TOTAL 69.95% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

THE UNDER-SPENDING ON “TRANSFERS TO NPO’S – 19% SPENDING: Payments to National Bodies amounting to R15.3 million were delayed due to the prolonged call for proposals process that DSD anticipated to be completed before the end of quarter 1 (June). DSD has indicated that this process is aimed at reducing delays and improving the method of selection of organisations to be funded. However, many challenges were experienced (e.g.) larger than expected number of applications received, erroneous submissions from organisations requiring the entire submission to be referred back, key assessment committee members not being available etc. The Directorate: NPO Funding co-ordination is planning a review process session to reflect on lessons learnt and areas for further improvement of the process. As at the end of August 20 organisations were reported to be fully assessed. The outstanding reports were received from SANAC and the progress report was submitted on 18 December 2017 and the assessment is planned to be done on 20 December Taking into consideration of the performance assessment results, the entire allocation is expected to be released by end of January 2018; Second tranches for National Councils to be released in 4th quarter of the 2017/18 financial year. 18 April 2019 Select Committee

18 April 2019 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY 93% Spent R’000 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Policy Research and Development 5 718 1 183 1 066 1 246 3 495 61.12% Special Projects and Innovation 10 612 2 162 2 641 2 885 7 688 72.45% Population Policy Promotion 32 439 6 337 8 869 11 558 26 764 82.51% Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organization 36 134 7 755 9 456 10 377 27 588 76.35% Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 5 921 552 883 1 643 3 078 51.98% Community Development 89 785 34 986 7 848 39 385 82 219 91.57% National Development Agency 3 80 363 100.00% Programme Management 3 334 832 816 953 2 601 78.03% TOTAL 31 582 92.07% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

Portfolio Committee 18 April 2019 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Adjusted Voted Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Economic Classification Current Payments 25 192 30 414 39 146 94 752 76.30% Compensation of Employees 78 150 19 342 20 141 21 724 61 207 78.32% Goods and Services 46 038 5 850 10 273 17 421 33 544 72.86% Transfers and Subsidies 1 167 99.83% Departmental agencies and accounts 3 80 363 100.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 1 976 1 101 251 1 352 68.43% Non-profit institutions 30 795 15 497 - 15 298 Households 26 216 13 031 63 13 314 26 408 100.73% Payments of Capital Assets 768 87 1 39 127 16.54% TOTAL 31 582 92.07% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 18 April 2019

Community Development – 91% spending The high spending relate to the 100% transfer payment of R56,6 for the Food Relief programme at the end of December 2017. National Development Agency – 100% transferred The full amount of R200,9 million has been transferred to the National Development at the end of December 2017. 18 April 2019 Select Committee


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