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Wavelength Converter Enhancements Using QWI

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1 Wavelength Converter Enhancements Using QWI
Task Area: Integration Platforms Wavelength Converter Enhancements Using QWI James Raring, Erik Skogen, Jon Barton, Larry Coldren

2 Overview Accomplishments Main issues Objective Approach
Develop a novel QWI process for the fabrication of CQW wavelength-agile PICs to allow for the monolithic integration of high power SGDBRs with other optimized components Approach Impurity-free vacancy-enhanced QWI Accomplishments Achieved 3 band edges in single PIC Monolithically integrated optimized SGDBRs with EAMs Main issues OEIC: Improve EAM design for better absorption and bandwidth AOWC: Optimize SOA design for low saturation power

3 Quantum Well Intermixing Theory
Impurity-free vacancy-enhanced quantum-well-intermixing Theory Create vacancies Thermal process to diffuse vacancies Vacancies allow atoms to exchange positions Smears the well/barrier interface, increasing the quantized energy level λg1 λg2

4 Quantum Well Intermixing Process
Novel QWI process Ability to achieve multiple band edges with a single implant

5 Offset Vs CQW - 50% larger confinement factor in CQW → 50% more modal gain

6 Advantages for Wavelength Converters
Low Threshold High Power SGDBR Lasers 50% more modal gain with centered quantum wells Higher overall efficiency AOWC OEIC Efficient EA Modulator - Higher Δα/ΔV with shallow MQWs -Reduced length and higher speed Low saturation power SOAs -Enhanced cross-gain modulation

7 Initial SGDBR/EAM Results: PL
Achieved three desired band edges across wafer Monolithically integrated widely-tunable laser with EAM

8 SGDBR CQW BRS Cross Section
1.7um ridge 7 x 65Å wells 8 x 80Å barriers Proton Implant 10um mask in gain 4um mask in EAM

9 SGDBR Results Ith = 8.2 mA ηi = 85% Slope Efficiency = 25%
mA αia = /cm αip = 2.8 1/cm

10 EAM Frequency Response
• Capacitance due to homojunction can be reduced with tighter implant • Implanted EAM appears to be limited by pad capacitance - No pad capacitance on wavelength converter design

11 EAM DC Absorption Add quantum wells for increased absorption
Results in ~ 1V/10dB with 200um length in 10 QW

12 Future Work Improve modulator bandwidth for OEIC
Minimize EAM parasitics Low k dielectric under interconnect for reduced capacitance Tighter implant profiles for reduced homojunction capacitance Explore traveling wave designs EA and Mach-Zehender modulators Improve EAM efficiency for OEIC Redesign active region for increased absorption Develop technology for higher-efficiency AOWC Design SOAs with low saturation power Fabricate OEIC wavelength converters using QWI Fabricate AOWC wavelength converters using QWI

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