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Centurions Personal giving of $A100 each year

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1 Centurions Personal giving of $A100 each year
Those of you that have been in Rotary for a while will undoubtedly remember this great presentation by Geoff McLean, now a Member of the Rotary E-Club of Brindabella. I know that PDG Rowley Tompsett will have more to tell you about this program

2 Supporting The Rotary Foundation
PolioPlus Fund End Polio Now Annual Fund For Support Today Endowment Fund To Secure Tomorrow

3 How many of you give to a Charity? Why not give to our Rotary Charity?
Giving to Charity How many of you give to a Charity? Why not give to our Rotary Charity? I am sure that all of us here give to some Charity, why not make it our Charity, or at the very least make it a part of your giving.

4 Is THE ROTARY FOUNDATION on your giving list this year and every year?
Charities In Australia – over 57,000 In New Zealand – over 25,000 Is THE ROTARY FOUNDATION on your giving list this year and every year? Now it is tough out there, because there are so many Charities clamoring for your hard earned Charity Dollar, and all of them most likely very worthwhile, but by supporting our Foundation, we know what the funds will be used for.

5 Charities in Australia
4.6 million Australians donate to Charities or Not for Profit $104 billion each year 40 cents in $ is not audited Rotary Foundation spends 2% on Admin and 7% on promotion Now it is tough out there, because there are so many Charities clamoring for your hard earned Charity Dollar, and all of them most likely very worthwhile, but by supporting our Foundation, we know what the funds will be used for.

6 Recognition of Contributions
Paul Harris Fellow (US$1,000) Paul Harris Society (US$1,000 per year) Major Donor (US$10,000+) Benefactor (US$1,000+) Bequest Society (US$10,000+) Arch Klumph Society (US$250,000+) Some of the recognition badges for the various levels of contribution

7 For Personal Tax Deductible Contributions – The Annual Fund
The Australian Foundation Trust And if you are still a Taxpayer, or you still have to lodge a Tax Return, then by directing the Funds to the Australian Rotary Foundation Trust, you can receive Tax deductibility for donations over $2, you can still nominate where you would like the funds to go, i.e. to Polio, the Annual Fund and so on.

8 The Rotary Foundation If world understanding and peace is the objective of Rotary International, and the Rotary Foundation makes this possible, how could we not want to support our own Foundation?

9 Our Foundation will only ever be as good as the support it receives from clubs, Rotarians and districts

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