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Delete this text and type team members’ names

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1 Delete this text and type team members’ names
Delete this text and Type Team Name UNITED Protocol Steps for Co-Teaching Success This is your title slide. Enter your team name and your team members. Be sure to delete extraneous text and directions. REMEMBER to rename and save your presentation. Delete this text and type team members’ names

2 Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission
UNITED Protocol Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission Beliefs guide our work, our words, our actions…what are your individual beliefs about teaching and learning? Name Role Individual Beliefs about Teaching and Learning Jenkins Glenn GenEd Teacher Sped Teacher *All students can learn given the appropriate time, resources and materials. *Teachers should serve as facilitators to guide students in discovery. *All students can learn when given appropriate materials and accommodations. *Learning happens through exploring concepts individually, as a group, and through viewing/hearing modeling of successful learning. Enter your name and your role in your co-taught classroom. Add your individual beliefs to the table. Customize the table to best represent your team by deleting or adding text, columns, etc.

3 Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission
UNITED Protocol Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission Your team’s shared beliefs are cornerstone of your collaboration as co-teachers. These beliefs will guide your words and actions as a team and contribute to how your function as a cohesive unit. ~ Capture your team’s shared beliefs ~ The beliefs you have in common WE BELIEVE… 1. All students can learn when they are given what they need, i.e. materials, resources, time, accommodations, etc. 2. Teachers play a role in helping students discover new concepts and learn accountability for themselves and the learning process. 3. Teachers should serve as facilitators and modelers of best practices for critical analysis, thinking and the mental processes behind learning. 4. 5. Discuss commonalities in your beliefs. Identify a minimum of 3 beliefs you share.

4 Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission
UNITED Protocol Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission A vision statement is about significant improvement, the difference you want to make, and where you want to end up as a co-teaching team. OUR VISION Our vision is a co-teaching partnership that is seamless, synergistic, supportive, and allows for students to expand their thinking and learning. Think about your shared beliefs and the co-teaching team you envision for yourselves. What is your team’s highest potential? What do you hope to achieve as a co-teaching team? Consider these statements and enter your team’s vision on the slide: Our vision is a co-teaching partnership that … Our vision is a co-teaching partnership where …

5 Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission
UNITED Protocol Unveil beliefs, vision, and mission A mission puts your vision into practice. What will you do to bring forth your vision ? OUR MISSION To work cooperatively to develop rigorous, interactive and high level thinking activities that target all abilities and learning styles. Your mission is a concise statement of the action you will take to bring forth your vision. Discuss your mission as a co-teaching team and enter on the slide.

6 Unveil beliefs, vision and mission
UNITED Protocol Unveil beliefs, vision and mission The vision and mission should link together since the mission explains how you will realize your vision. OUR VISION and MISSION We will work cooperatively and seamlessly to develop rigorous, synergistic activities that target all learning styles/abilities and promotes high student achievement. Link your vision and mission into a fluid statement of how you will move your team forward in the direction of your vision. REMEMBER to save your presentation so far.

7 Name operating standards
UNITED Protocol Name operating standards A high performing co-teaching team is guided by core set of standards that promote positive interactions and efficiency. Operating standards foster a basic discipline for high performance teamwork. BOUNDLESS LEARNING CO-TEACHING: Operating Standards Listen to understand. Complete activities on time. Participate and contribute to the team. Respect each other. Offer help willingly. Be organized and prepared. Be accountable and responsible to yourself and your team. Review the list of Operating Standard for the Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Program. Discuss what these standards will look like and sound like for your co-teaching team. How would an outside observer know these standards are in place in your classroom? Click on the text box and insert one or two additional standards that are important to your team.

UNITED Protocol Identify six high performance teaming principles LOOKS LIKE..SOUNDS LIKE..FEELS LIKE POSITIVE INTERDEPENDENCE “Sink or Swim Together” Demonstration of an understanding that all members of the co-teaching team are vital to reaching the team’s goals Support of one another to maximize your individual and team potential INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY “No Free Riders” Demonstration of an understanding that all team members share equal responsibility and roles in all aspects of the classroom and instruction PERFORMANCE MONITORING “Check it out” Assessment of the co-teaching team’s progress in reaching team goals and demonstration of teaming principles and operating standards Shared decision making about areas of improvement and change ENGAGEMENT & MOMENTUM “Energize and Execute” Active involvement of all team members in every aspect of co-teaching: planning, implementation, assessment Frequent and purposeful interactions Collaborative data analysis, problem-solving, and exchange of information and resources Energy, involvement, interactions of the co-teaching team benefits students COLLABORATIVE COMPETENCE “All for One and One for All” Competence and cooperation in planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating co-teaching Positive conflict resolution TECHNOLOGY OPTIMIZATION “Power Up and Produce” Use of technology to fulfill co-teaching responsibilities Shared responsibility for integrating technology tools that improve student performance and learning Review each high performance teaming principle and the “Looks Like…Sounds Like…Feels Like” description. Ensure that all members of your team have a solid understanding of each principle. Consider how these principles will guide your collaborative partnership. Which principles do you demonstrate now? Which can you strengthen as a team? Which will have the greatest impact on your students?

UNITED Protocol Target goals and roles Goals direct planning and teaching activities and provide benchmarks for co-teacher to assess progress throughout the year. Specific with clear outcomes of what you want to accomplish Measurable indication of what you accomplished Attainable through a series of action steps Results-oriented toward targeted change Time-bound with clear action steps across a manageable timeline TIMELINE SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE TARGETS RESULTS The end of first quarter Weekly co-planning meetings Shared roles during instruction The end of 2nd quarter 6 Teaming principals and 3 tier recognition system fully implemented and known to the students High participation, teamwork and achievement. GOALS: By the end of the first quarter, our team will meet weekly to co-plan lessons that use shared roles during our instruction as evidenced by our weekly calendars and lesson plans. GOALS: By the end of the second quarter, our team will fully implement the 6 teaming principles and 3 tier recognition system to promote higher participation, teamwork and achievement as evidenced by the high performing star, student reflections and assessment scores. Discuss two attainable goals for your team in the coming months. Use the goal template above to develop your goals. Type in your goals into the template. Discuss how you will monitor your progress on reaching these goals. How often will you review your progress? REMEMBER to save your presentation.

10 Target goals and roles UNITED Protocol
While the collective effort among co-teachers is shared, individual roles and responsibilities may vary based on areas of expertise, background, and experience. Co-teaching success derives from the artful blend of individual knowledge, skills, experience, and backgrounds into a balanced, collaborative team. If your role demands a higher level of expertise than you current have, consider your plan for your professional growth and development. To complete this step in the UNITED Protocol you will access the Primary Co-Teaching Roles, Responsibilities, and Expertise Form through the internet. To activate the link, click the slide show icon in the lower right hand corner next to the zoom bar. This icon allows you to view individual slides and activates the link. After completing the role form, press the Esc key to return to this design mode. Access the Primary Co-Teaching Roles, Responsibilities, and Expertise Form. As you work through each statement, discuss and record how your individual roles combine to create a balanced co-teaching team.

11 Theater arts, karaoke, poetry, dance
UNITED Protocol Establish team identity S Share 3 – 5 interests, activities, work style, etc. Theater arts, karaoke, poetry, dance I Identify commonalities & differences Dynamic work styles G Generate team name that reflects your beliefs The Dynamic Didactic Dynamos N Notify stakeholders (administrators, students, colleagues, parents ) of your team identity Use this slide to establish your team identity. The SIGN Protocol provides a structure for completing this activity: Share 3 – 5 things you enjoy, interests, activities, work styles, etc. Identify commonalities and differences between your team members Generate a team name that reflects your team’s beliefs, commonalities, and content expertise Notify others of your identity by entering your team name on the UNITED Protocol Use a variety of technology resources to create a representation of your team (photos, illustrations, logos, etc.). Make sure that your final slide includes: Team Name, Team Logo, Team Members, Vision/Mission, Goals for the first quarter, and any additional operating standards that are important to your team. REMEMBER to save your presentation.

Team Members: Tyra Jenkins and Elizabeth Glenn Vision/Mission: We will work cooperatively and seamlessly to develop rigorous, synergistic activities that target all learning styles/abilities and promotes high student achievement. GOAL 1: By the end of the first quarter, our team will meet weekly to co-plan lessons that use shared roles during our instruction as evidenced by our weekly calendars and lesson plans. GOAL 2: By the end of the second quarter, our team will fully implement the 6 teaming principles and 3 tier recognition system to promote higher participation, teamwork and achievement as evidenced by the high performing star, student reflections and assessment scores. Operating Standards: Listen to understand. Complete activities on time. Participate and contribute to the team. Respect each other. Offer help willingly. Be organized and prepared. Be accountable and responsible to yourself and your team.

13 Determine logistics for working together
UNITED Protocol Determine logistics for working together Logistics is about managing the flow of information, resources, and people’s needs in order to meet the goals of a group/team or organization. It is developing a support system that moves a program forward. Developing a logistics plan allows co-teachers to dialogue and make critical decisions together that address the complexities of daily life in a classroom environment. Save and exit this your presentation. Download and complete the Logistics Plan located in the callout box to the right of the Learning Together activity.

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