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Afterschool Meals Training

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1 Afterschool Meals Training
For Cafeteria Staff School Year

2 Resources All operations documents are available on City School’s Inside. Snack and Supper SOP Training Guides Menus Universal Tally Sheets (version ) Snack Production Records

3 Snack & Supper: Eligibility
Participants Programs A school is eligible for the afterschool snack or supper programs, if it provides enrichment or sports activities after regular school hours and/or for students who take part in an extended school day. Programs must: Provide participants with regularly scheduled activities in an organized, structured, and supervised environment. Include educational or enrichment activities. Programs engaged in interscholastic or community level athletics will not be approved unless other programs exist at the site which are “open to all.” Age 18 or Younger, or turning 19 during the school year. People of any age who have a disability (physical or mental) are eligible to receive a meal. Do Not need to attend school where program is held. Children do not need to participate in the offered program.

4 Snack: How to Begin Program
Afterschool Program Coordinator completes the application on City School’s Inside. 2. Managers will be notified when an application is approved. 3. Order food items listed on the menu. 4. Managers must train the Afterschool Coordinator. 5. Determine the first day of snacks based on delivery. Snacks should begin within 10 business days of the request. 6. Notify the following people of your start date. Regional Manager Snack & Supper Coordinator Afterschool Program Coordinator.

5 Snack: Meal Service Responsibilities
Cafeteria Manager Train the Afterschool Program Staff. Provide Snacks and Tally Sheet daily. Ensure accountability. Tally Sheet, Production Record, and the Edit Check must match! Be Efficient! Afterschool Program Staff Afterschool snack staff serves Snack to program participants. Completes Tally Sheet daily. 3. Tally Sheets are completed as each participant receives a snack. 4. Place an X in the corresponding box as each participant receives a reimbursable meal. Not before, Not After.

6 Snack: Train Afterschool Program Staff.
Managers must train all cafeteria staff on After School Snack procedures and accountability!! Print Afterschool Snack Program: Training for Afterschool Program Staff from City School’s Inside. Afterschool Program Staff serves one complete snack to participants. A complete snack consists of both items on the menu (Reimbursable Meal). Snacks must be consumed on site. A Share table is OK! All program staff must sign the back of the training guide when training is completed. Place a copy in your updated Supper Book, and bring a copy of the Professional Standards, Signature Page to your next manager’s meeting.

7 Snack: Accountability Documents
Tally Sheet Production Record Production Records Keep Tally Sheets and Production Records on file. Bring original documents to the monthly managers meeting. Keep a copy on file

8 Snack Bulk-Entry Procedure
Begin Other meal session. Open the “Bulk Entry” screen. Set “Program ID” to SNACK “Date” is the day the snack was served - Not the date of entry. “Keyboard” is set to “Snack / Supper / Summer” Leave “Customer” field as PAID. Leave “Grade Level” field as ALL. Leave “Type” field as First Meals. Enter total snacks/meals served in the “Qty” field. In the “Item” field, select SNACK. Be sure that no other box is selected. Click Apply

9 Supper: How to Begin Program
Managers must train all employees on Supper procedures and accountability. Afterschool Coordinator completes an application on City School’s Inside. Managers will be notified when an application is Approved. Order food items listed on the menu. Manager will work with Regional to schedule employee(s) who will serve supper. Determine the first day of supper based on delivery. Supper should begin within 10 business days of the request. Notify the following people of the start date. Regional Manager Snack & Supper Coordinator Afterschool Program Coordinator.

10 Supper: Accountability
Tally Sheets are completed as each student receives a meal. Mark an X in the corresponding box as each participant receives a reimbursable meal. Not before, Not After. Production Records are completed during meal service and must match that Tally Sheet. Meals must be bulk-entered by the following day. Records are kept on file and made available during an audit. DO: Bring original Production Records and Tally Sheets to your monthly managers meeting. Keep a copy on file. Failure to follow accountability may result in a reprimand.

11 Supper Bulk-Entry Procedure
Begin Other meal session. Open the “Bulk Entry” screen. Set “Program ID” to SUPPER “Date” is the day the snack was served - Not the date of entry. “Keyboard” is set to “Snack / Supper / Summer” Leave “Customer” field as PAID. Leave “Grade Level” field as ALL. Leave “Type” field as First Meals. Enter total snacks/meals served in the “Qty” field. In the “Item” field, select SUPPER. Be sure that no other box is selected. Click Apply

12 OVS Supper: Meal Pattern
NO Offer-Versus-Serve. All items must be taken. Serve all items on the menu. Students may have unlimited fresh produce.

13 And Justice For All… The And Justice For All poster must be displayed anywhere meals are served. An eligible person must not be denied a meal. No Exceptions Equal access to services. Alternate meals are not served (except in case of shortages) check with regional or dietician for further guidance. No person made to wait and no group prioritized. Display poster where snacks and supper is served. Display at student’s eye level. Additional posters available upon request.

14 Manager Responsibilities
Managers are responsible for: All snack and supper counts entered in WebSmartt by the next school day. Ensure accuracy by completing the following: Edit Check Production Records Tally Sheets And, they all must match!! Placing orders according to menu, and submitting them on time!

15 Site Review Sites are reviewed 2x / year. Reviews are unannounced.
One review is with first 4 weeks. Second review is within 6 months of first review. Reviews are unannounced. Reviewer will request to see accountability documents. MSDE will also review our meal sites. A failed review may result in a reprimand.

16 A program may be cancelled if…
Snack programs may be cancelled if: If the afterschool program coordinator does not submit documents as required. If 2 days are missed, notify your Regional Manager and they will provide guidance. Supper programs may be cancelled if: The programs are unsupervised.

17 FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE DEPARTMENT Managers, Food Service Workers, Coordinators and/or School Designee After-School Meals (Snack & Supper) Program -Training Agenda Purpose: The purpose of this training is to ensure managers, food service workers (FSW) coordinators, and/or school designees fully understand the policies & procedures implemented by the Food and Nutrition Services Department, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and State and Federal governments regarding After-School Meals (Snacks & Supper). Objective: After completion, managers, FSW, coordinators, and/or school designee will understand the meaning of Justice for All, how to correctly mark the Tally Sheets, complete the Food Production Records, and how to review the Edit Check to ensure these forms MATCH for accurate Accountability. Agenda: Resources, Eligibility, How to Begin Programs, Meal Service Responsibilities, Staff Training, Accountability, Documents, Bulk Entry Procedures, Responsibilities, Menus, Meal Rosters, Accountability & Record Keeping, Monitoring & Reviews, Food Production Records, Meal Pattern, Justice for All, Manager’s Responsibilities Site Reviews, and Cancellation Policy. Monitoring: The Supper and After School Snack programs may be reviewed by Food and Nutrition Staff (FNS) or Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) as required by USDA. Monitors will observe the meal service and request pertinent records as needed. For: Coordinator and/or School Designee Afterschool snack staff serves Snacks to program participants. Completes Tally Sheet daily. Tally Sheets are completed as each participant receives a Snack (reimbursable meal) Place an X in the corresponding box as each participant receives their reimbursable meal. Not before, Not After. Page 1 of 2 Training verification

18 Professional Standards Signature Page
Manager’s Name: _______________________ Today’s Date: ____________ Code # Credit Hours: 20 Min After-School Meals Coordinator and/or Designee(s) Signatures: Title: _________________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Title: _________________________________ Signature: _______________________________ Cafeteria Staff: EID# ____________ Print Name: ______________________ Signature: _______________________ Page 2 of 2 Training Verification


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