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Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště

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Presentation on theme: "Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště"— Presentation transcript:

1 Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola T. G. Masaryka, Bojkovice, okres Uherské Hradiště AUTOR: Mgr. Olga Rybnikářová NÁZEV: Past simple TÉMATICKÝ CELEK: Receptivní řečové dovednosti ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ 1

2 Past simple

3 Past simple – to be + I was we you were you were he they she was it
- I was not / wasn´t you were not / weren´t ...

4 ? Was I? Were we? Were you? Were you? Was he / she / it? Were they? +/- Yes, I was. No, I wasn´t. ...

5 Doplňte do vět was/were.
1. Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist and scientist. He was born in 1452. 2. Orville and Wilbur Wright were flight engineers. They were Americans.

6 3. Alexandre-Gustav Eiffel was an engineer. He was born in 1832.
4. Marie Curie was a scientist. She was Polish. 5. Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich were famous actors. They were Czechs.

7 Utvoř otázky. They were at the theatre. Colin was tired.
Rachel was hungry. I was ill. It was hot. Were they at the theatre? Was Colin tired? Was Rachel hungry? Were you ill? Was it hot?

8 Utvoř záporné věty. Joan and Deborah were at the party.
The bank was open. His grandfather was very old. We were on holiday. Chris was in hospital. Joan and Deborah weren´t at the party. The bank wasn´t open. His grandfather wasn´t very old. We weren´t on holiday. Chris wasn´t in hospital.

9 Past simple – regular verbs
podmět + sloveso -ed + I played football yesterday. - I didn´t play football yesterday. ? Did you play football yesterday? +/- Yes, I did. No, I didn´t.

10 ! close – closed signály: yesterday stop – stopped ago
travel – travelled study – studied signály: yesterday ago last Monday last year in 1995

11 Doplň do vět sloveso v minulém čase.
It often rained last week. (rain) He wanted to go with us last night. (want) We arrived in time yesterday. (arrive) Mr Hill stayed in a hotel two days ago. (stay) They played tennis last Sunday morning. (play)

12 Past simple – irregular verbs
podmět + 2. tvar nepravidelného slovesa + Tom bought a new car last week - Tom didn´t buy a new car last week ? Did Tom buy a new car last week? +/- Yes, he did. No, he didn´t.

13 Utvoř otázky. Sarah found her glasses under the table.
The Browns sold their house. John got a birthday present from his wife. We came home at nine. I had an exam yesterday. Did Sarah find her glasses under the table? Did the Browns sell their house? Did John get a birthday present from his wife? Did we come home at nine? Did I have an exam yesterday?

14 Doplň do vět slovesa v minulém čase kladně nebo záporně.
Susan lost her key yesterday. (lose, +) We went to the cinema last night. (go, +) We didn´t see an interesting film. (see, -) Lisa left her husband last summer. (leave, +) Jeff didn´t break his leg last week. (break, -) Leo didn´t write a letter to Lucy. (write, -)

15 Použitá literatura a zdroje informací:
Speak English. International Masters Publishers (IMP)

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