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Education Abroad Program Director Training

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Presentation on theme: "Education Abroad Program Director Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education Abroad Program Director Training
by the Office of the Dean of Students

2 General Issues Homesickness Behavioral/student conduct concerns
Mental and physical health crises Exacerbated or developing problems with friends/other participants

3 Role of Program Director
Preparedness Point of contact Monitor, address, and resolve issues Consult as needed with CUAbroad and DOS professional staff

4 Addressing Issues If an issue comes up:
Address the student, at least preliminarily, by meeting with him/her & discussing the situation. Consult with CUAbroad and DOS staff regarding appropriate follow-up; CUAbroad will involve other offices at Catholic University as necessary. Document follow-up interventions accordingly, and forward all written documentation to cua-

5 Code of Student Conduct
Overview of Student Conduct Expectations Applicability of Code Abroad Significance of local law Specific Behaviors Appropriateness is reliant upon local laws Alcohol Consumption, Possession; Disorderly Behavior Appropriateness is reliant upon host institution expectations Visitation; Quiet Hours; Some alcohol-related matters Never Appropriate Intoxication; Drug Use, Possession, Distribution; Physical Altercation; Sexual Misconduct (includes sexual relationships and sexual offenses)

6 Disciplinary/Dean of Students Background Checks
Conducted by the Office of the Dean of Students based on a student’s history with our office. Good disciplinary standing During checks we will identify significantly impactful concerns posing a risk to student safety or well-being. Program director and CUAbroad, with or without assistance from DOS, should speak with the student to ensure that s/he is clear on behavioral expectations for those with a history of poor choices.

7 Office of the Dean of Students
Pryzbyla Center, Suite 353 Phone: (202) Website: Any emergency contact should be made via the Department of Public Safety: (202)

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