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Plant Classification.

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1 Plant Classification

2 Bryophyta Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts plants
5.5.3 Distinguish between the following phyla of plants, using simple external recognition features: bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta, and angiospermophyta Bryophyta Mosses, hornworts, and liverworts plants Do not have (vascular transport tissue for moving water and sugars) Lack Small plants that must live in damp environments Do not produce flowers or seeds

3 Mosses

4 Liverwort

5 Hornwort

6 5.5.3 Distinguish between the following phyla of plants, using simple external recognition features: bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta, and angiospermophyta Filicinophyta plants – have vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) to conduct water and sugars Have true roots, stems and leaves Do not produce flowers, pollen or seeds Reproduce by producing Sperm eggs and fertilize Ferns usually grow in places with Zygote grows into

7 Ferns frond fiddlehead This is the sporophyte (fern) which produces spores that grow into a gametophyte. This is the gametophyte, called a prothallus, which produces egg and sperm Sperm fertilizes egg to create zygote that grows into the sporophyte (fern)

8 Coniferophyta plants that produce Cone-bearing trees like Usually with
5.5.3 Distinguish between the following phyla of plants, using simple external recognition features: bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta, and angiospermophyta Coniferophyta plants that produce Cone-bearing trees like Usually with Evergreen means it retains some leaves all year long Produce male and female cones Male cones produce (contains sperm) Wind often blows pollen to female cone Eggs are

9 Conifers Female Male

10 Angiospermophyta Plants that produce
5.5.3 Distinguish between the following phyla of plants, using simple external recognition features: bryophyta, filicinophyta, coniferophyta, and angiospermophyta Angiospermophyta Plants that produce Predominant form of plant-life today Produce After eggs are fertilized, Two groups: Monocotyledonae ( ) Dicotyledonae ( )

11 Angiosperms – Flowering Plants

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