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Lecture 11 Generalizations of EM.

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1 Lecture 11 Generalizations of EM

2 Last Time Example of Gaussian mixture model.
E-step: compute sufficient statistics w.r.t. posterior M-step: maximize Q. MoG_demo

3 Generalizations Map-EM: include prior for parameters. EM computes maximum a-posteriori distribution. By interchanging the role of X and the parameters we can also compute the maximum likely configuration for P(x). “Generalized EM” (GEM) we only need to do partial M-steps. We can apply EM to maximize positive functions of a special form. We can do partial E-steps as well !

4 Variational EM (VEM) EM can be viewed as coordinate ascent on Q(theta,q), where q(y) is a parameterized family of distributions. Optimal value for q=p(y|x,theta). But, we don’t even have to be able to include that optimal solution in the allowed family. In this case we maximize a bound on the log-likelihood which still makes sense. This approximate EM algorithm can be very helpful in making an intractable E-step tractable (at the expense of accuracy). A simple example is k-means, where we choose q(y) to be a delta peak at a certain mean.

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