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Closing Workshop 26-28 Feb 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing Workshop 26-28 Feb 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing Workshop Feb 2019

2 Policy

3 The situation Dugongs had already been protected
5 countries had formally joined the CMS Dugong MoU 3 countries Dugong NPOA (ID, MY and MZ) Dugong Action Plan - SPREP Pacific Islands Regional Marine Species Programme 2013–2017 (VU and SB)

4 The plan Conservation priorities and measures for dugongs and their seagrass ecosystems incorporated into relevant policy, planning and regulatory frameworks across the Indian and Pacific Ocean basins Progress on implementation of national and regional Strategies/ Action Plans for dugong and seagrass conservation; and Incorporation of dugong protection and dugong/ seagrass conservation in other sectors (e.g. fisheries, coastal zone management & regulations Targets: 8 National Action Plans/ Strategies finalised and adopted At least one more country signs the CMS Dugong MoU

5 Results National Facilitating Committees
4 countries developed National Plan of Actions/ Conservation strategies (ID, LK, MG and SB) Project data integrated in the SPREP's Marine Species Action Plan Advocacy and implementation national structures in 3 countries (ID, MG and LK) 1 country updated National Biodiversity Strategy, including dugongs and seagrass Policy gap analysis conducted in 7 countries New policies developed in 2 countries (MG and SB) TL signed the Dugong MoU Good practices guidelines (drafts) for fishing and tourism developed in 5 countries



8 Three motions…

9 Awareness & education All Project Outcomes

10 Results Databases and communication tools
Communications strategies/ plans (PCT, ID & MZ) Project films (ID, MG, MZ, LK, TL and PCT) Dugong festivals (ID and MG) Dugong and Seagrass Ambassadors (ID, MG and LK) Children’s book (MG and PCT) Materials for educators (MG, MZ, MY, TL, VU and PCT) Education campaigns (MG, MZ, MY and TL) Media trips (MG and LK) Project website, Facebook accounts (ID, MZ, MY, LK, SB and PCT) Art for conservation (SB, VU and PCT)


12 MZ4, EWT MZ3, Dugongos



15 MG3, C3 MbZ Fund



18 The UN Environment Media trip to Sri Lanka in March 2017, http://www
Media trips to Madagascar in August 2018,

19 “Love for Alor” ID2, WWF

20 12, GIFs, MbZ Fund Social media


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