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Communication Skills Modules: 1 - Intro (slides 2 – 19)

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Skills Modules: 1 - Intro (slides 2 – 19)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Skills Modules: 1 - Intro (slides 2 – 19)
2 – Interpersonal Communications (slides 20 – 35) 3 – Effective Communication in the Workplace (slides 36 – 53) 4 – Motivation and Communication (slides 54 – 93) 5 – Leading, Motivating, Evaluating (slides 94 – 131) 6 – Crucial Conversations (slides 132 – 154)

2 Let me introduce myself:
I'm Dr. Amanda N Gibson, consultant in Management and Leadership, professor, author and speaker. My books: Succession Planning In Nonprofits: The Distance Between What We Know and What We Do Nonprofit Realities Everybody Must Face; both available at With a diverse and successful global career encompassing multiple industries and continents, I differentiated myself as an internationalist and global professional; including living and working abroad with multi-national companies. As a senior professional, I’ve proven global success in the deployment of modern leadership, organizational development and management tools and techniques, as well as significant strategic and operational experience in both for-profit and non-for-profit companies.

3 Introduction Objectives:
To consider verbal and non-verbal communication methods To understand and practice effective listening skills To communicate in clear, respectful and non-judgemental ways To know when to seek advice Check that these objectives are what participants expect.

4 What is Communication? What does it mean to you?
The process of communication is what allows us to interact with other people; without it, we would be unable to share knowledge or experiences with anything outside of ourselves. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gestures, touch and broadcasting. Wikipedia definition

5 Verbal vs Non Verbal Can we communicate without words?
Voice attributes What are they and how do they affect communication? Physical attributes What could be considered here and how do they affect communication? The power of touch What and when is OK? Which type of communication is better, verbal or non verbal?

6 Personal Presentation
Does personal presentation make a difference to the way we are perceived? Does it matter? What can we do about it - do we have to look bland and boring? What if our organization has a dress code? Discuss job interviews; TV ads what people wear – how they cover up etc…eg Goth girl with tattoos who hides it from her mother; stereotypes

7 Mark Twain The Art of Listening
“If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear.” Mark Twain

8 Characteristics of effective communications
Effective communication requires the message to be: Clear and concise Accurate Relevant to the needs of the receiver Timely Meaningful Applicable to the situation

9 Elements for Effective Oral Communication Active Listening
- making sense of what is heard and requires paying attention, interpreting, and remembering sound stimuli. Constructive Feedback - managers often do poor jobs of providing employees with performance feedback.

10 A paradigm about employees:
Strategic Business Planning for Commercial Producers Human Resources A paradigm about employees: You can buy people’s time; you can buy their physical presence at a given place; you can even buy a measured number of their skilled muscular motions per hour. But you cannot buy the devotion of their hearts, minds, or souls. You must earn these. Introduce the topics of leading, motivating and evaluating employees by emphasizing that managers get things done through people. Managers’ paradigms about employees can greatly affect how they relate to them, gain their confidence and make them an integral part of the business. © Purdue University, Center for Food and Agricultural Business, 2002

11 Always check: Am I really open to others’ views?
Am I confidently expressing my own views?

12 …and explore: Ask Mirror Paraphrase Prime

13 Thank you! Additional Resources:
ANG Management Coaching and Consulting offers a variety of consulting services for small business owners, designed to address everything from major strategic issues to more basic problems affecting everyday business practices. Additional Resources: Books Seminars Call us! ANG – MCC identifies, researches alternatives and solves business problems with the highest value-adding solutions. Our team of professionals looks forward to meeting you at one of our seminars, at our conference booths, through various communications channels, or just to connect through social media (see details at

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