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Presentation on theme: "MONOLGOUES DRAMA 10-20-30."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is monologue Why is the definition so important? Because as an actor, you must always be pursuing an objective. You must remain active. What is the purpose of your monologue. What is the goal of the character.

3 Things to think about… Have a clear objective. You can't just stand there and talk. You have to be actively talking to someone you've imagined, and you must be trying to get something from them. Have a distinct beginning, middle, and end. A beginning: A strong first sentence to capture attention. A middle: Lots of juicy content. An end: A strong finish. When your monologue has structure, the auditors are more likely to remember you. Contain conflict. Drama cannot exist without conflict. Who wants to see a play about everyone getting along? Boring...

4 THINGS TO REMEMBER Projection Stage awareness Physicality/blocking
Dynamic voice

5 projection When doing a monologue you need to ensure all your lines are being heard. If the audience misses words or lines they might get lost.

6 Physicality When you are blocking think about your characters… Walks
Stands Moves around Posture

7 voice When you are preparing your monologue think about your characters Volume Tone How fast he/she speaks Where the pauses are in your lines (beats) How can you make your voice dynamic


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