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Terror Propaganda Other reasons: Economic miracle, Weak opposition,

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1 The following were equally important reasons as to why the Nazis exercised total control?
Terror Propaganda Other reasons: Economic miracle, Weak opposition, Another 10 mark question which asks you to show a two-sided, balanced answer with a concluding paragraph on how far.

2 Terror The most important act the Nazis implemented was the Enabling Act of March 1933 which gave the Nazi Government Emergency Powers for the rest of their rule. Socialist opposition parties were banned after the Reichstag Fire The creation of the DAF and the Dachau summer removed trade unionism from Germany and gave workers little say towards their employers The Night of the Long Knives eliminated opposition in the party and settled old scores with people who had previously opposed the Nazis – 400 were attacked and murded Jews were scapegoated Nuremburg Laws and Kristallnacht Other groups were persecuted – Euthanasia programme on disabled or mentally ill, homosexuals, gypsies Concentration camps removed opponents of the regime and sent them away SS-Gestapo kept order and control through fear and terror

3 Propaganda Under Josef Goebbels the Ministry of Propaganda controlled all aspects of media Newspapers were censored Degenerate art, writing and theatre was banned Nazis produced the People’s Radio to broadcast speeches and uplifting Aryan music Parades and spectacles to promote Aryan ideals The Hitler Youth provided opportunities for Nazi leaders to put across Nazi beliefs and members were encouraged to report on teachers and parents. It was made compulsory in 1936

4 Other Explain examples of control
Dissolution of State parliaments Gau system established across Germany Fuhrer prinzip established after Hindenburg’s death Army oath in August 1934 personally to Hitler The Concordat with the Catholic Church silenced its criticisms of Nazi problems Purging of Civil Service of Jewish and Socialist elements meant little chance for opposition to get message across Opposition was taken by surprise and found it difficult to react

5 Explain examples of lack of control
During the war years there was increasing discontent within Germany at the lack of organisation and oppression. Many assassination attempts including the last by Stauffenberg came from high ranking army officials disgruntled by the war and Nazi Euthanasia and Killing policies. The Edelweiss Pirates were a motley crew of different youth organisations across Germany who purposely disobeyed orders to join the HJ and even went around beating up its members The Swing Youth were another group of youths who disliked the Nazi Youth and education and set about defying the state by listening to foreign music and reading banned literature The White Rose Movement attempted to bring a student uprising with subversive literature about the state and how it should be undermined. Martin Niemoller and Archbishop Galen spoke out and preached about Nazi atrocities in sermons. Many people were passive supporters so as not to attract attention

6 Terror or Propaganda Conclusion
Propaganda acted like an incentive and showed people the right way to act It could never have worked if the economy hadn’t grown and Hitler delivered on some of the promises he made about jobs, food etc or a expansive FP However Terror did keep the people in check and once groups began being persecuted there was no stopping Hitler and the Nazi machine Both were very important but Terror was the most effective in keeping people in check

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