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Conformance Testing with State Mapping

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1 Conformance Testing with State Mapping
Vadim Mutilin ISP RAS

2 Conformance Testing Implementation Specification Sys M conforms-to?
Test suite Test case T t * Sys passes T T is sound if Sys conforms-to M => Sys passes T T is complete if Sys conforms-to M <=> Sys passes T

3 State Mappings MAPPINGS: SPECS×IMPLSFUNCS In practice:
f=MAPPINGS(M,Sys) f:SSysSM In practice: Reading an implementation state Converting it into a specification one

4 Example

5 Differences from FSM-based Testing
FSM vs. Labelled Transition System (LTS) Equivalence vs. Conformance relation Status message vs. State mapping

6 Test cases ISO IS-9646 “OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework” OMG “UML Testing Profile” Tretmans formalization: Labelled transition system ‹S, L, T, s0› Test case ‹St, L, Tt, ν, s0t›, ν : St → {pass, fail} – verdict function. Test run – synchronous parallel composition t||Sys (in initial state)

7 Composite Test Suites

8 Derived Test Suite T3=Derived(Te3)
Sys passes Te <=> Sys passes Derived(Te)

9 Time of Test Execution ρ(Te ) <= ρ(Derived(Te)) When <
In example ρ(Te3) = 20 <= ρ(T3) = 53 When < Circles Non-determination

10 Conclusions and Future Work
Theory More efficient way of writing test suites Practice UniTESK formalized as FSM-based testing Future Conditions for test suite completeness

11 Thank you! Questions? Vadim Mutilin (ISP RAS)

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