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Profession Specific Translator: Hospital Edition

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1 Profession Specific Translator: Hospital Edition
Authors Ismet Ozer Kyle Johnson Advisor Dr. Rylander, Dr. Vegdahl Industry Representative Ms. Glenna Van Duzer Harland Financial Services Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

2 Agenda Introduction Background Methods Results Conclusions
Demonstration Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

3 Introduction Globalization forces us to work with foreign speakers.
Not everyone is bi- or multi-lingual. Communication is critical in the business world. Interpreters are not always a practical solution. Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

4 Background Current translation technology translates word by word.
These translators are also not specific to one’s needs. Example: Nurse or doctor dealing with a foreign patient. What is the solution? Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

5 Background Profession Specific Translator (PST) PST: Hospital Edition
Doctors/nurses can select questions, commands, and terms. Forces easily understandable responses Provides audio and visual output. Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

6 Background PST is fast, accurate, and easy to use.
Can be used as a learning tool. Easily updateable. Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

7 Methods Built using Waterfall Method Functional Specification
Project Plan Design Release Theory of Operation Assessed the needs of doctors and nurses - OHSU, Emanuel, and UP. Built PST prototype and had nurses test it. Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

8 Results Main class Language File Language Folders Text file
Sound bites Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

9 PST Turkish Spanish English Founder’s Day, 2004
University of Portland School of Engineering

10 Turkish Questions Commands Terms Founder’s Day, 2004
University of Portland School of Engineering

11 Conclusions Specific translation for professions.
Fast, easy, and accurate. Enhancements Allow patient input Create database Create list of favorites Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

12 Demonstration Completed project Run through of a normal situation
Selection of languages Questions, commands, and terms Audio and visual output Search Function Founder’s Day, 2004 University of Portland School of Engineering

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