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E- learning on SA Unpublishable on Statistics Explained

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1 E- learning on SA Unpublishable on Statistics Explained
Included in a contract for the update of the cros portal Will be available from September-October 2013

2 Status of the QNA handbook revision
Eurostat presented for formal approval of the NAWG members a slightly revised version of the version that was circulated in November 2012 It should be stressed that despite recommending a specific system of compiling Quarterly National Accounts, the Handbook covers extensively and considers valid alternatives other compilation systems Eurostat will provide electronic and paper versions of the publication as soon as it is ready.

3 Training and dissemination policy
Training: 2013 ESTP courses Introductory April 17-19 Advanced October 15-17 Dissemination: SASG should decide on whether to continue with its private pages on CROS portal or become publicly available

4 Thank you!

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