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Music of Other Cultures

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1 Music of Other Cultures
The Folk Music of Turkey

2 Location: Euroasian located in western Asia and southeastern Europe
Population: 74 million Language: Turkish Religion: Islam

3 Turkish Folk Music Real life events Regional
(weddings, funerals, special occasion, festivals) Regional (subject, feeling, instrumentation)

4 Baglama a plucked stringed instrument, sometimes called a saz

5 Kemenche a bottle-shaped lute or stave violin

6 Traditional folk music for wedding dances
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi ( ) was an Anatolian holy man who inspired humanity with his teachings on the subject of love. The most beautiful love, he said, was love of truth. His followers are known as the Mevlevi Order and music is an important component of the tradition.

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