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Practical considerations in Identifying Environmental Goods

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Presentation on theme: "Practical considerations in Identifying Environmental Goods"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical considerations in Identifying Environmental Goods
Discussant: Solveig Crompton (note: this presentation does not reflect the view of South Africa) My intention is to provoke thought!

2 Thus far… Session 1: “Trends in environmental goods industry”
Session 2: “Key concerns and challenges for Developing countries” Session 3: “Practical considerations…”

3 Doha Development Agenda
This is one of many issues in the Doha Development Agenda

4 The proverbial “win-win”
The outcome must Benefit ALL especially developing countries The proverbial “win-win”

5 Lessons from GATT/WTO sectoral initiatives
Extent of developing country participation? Trade in which developing countries are competitive? Role and importance of technology transfer “Moving target” Relationship to environmental services

6 Lessons from GATT/WTO sectoral initiatives (cont.)
Presumably we are undertaking this task based on a “win-win” scenario: Good for trade (and by implication development) Good for the environment Real world of policy a little more complicated! e.g.

7 APEC List Advantage that every Member has the opportunity to add to the list whichever product they wish – negotiated outcome Problem: 147 other Members have to agree to one extent or another…

8 Environmental Goods and the Harmonized System
Viability for developing countries to implement given current low levels of “ex-out” headings If the best we have now e.g. natural gas is not good enough… Moving Target problem

9 Practical considerations for developing countries
Standards issues Additional requirements e.g. exporter’s interest scenario

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