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Presentation on theme: "Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Listening

2 1. Being distracted by the speaker’s appearance or delivery
Concentrate on what the speaker is saying – not looking like.

3 2. Deciding the topic is boring
Never take the attitude that you must sit through a boring talk Make an effort to listen for information that you could use later

4 3. Faking attention Be sincere, take a real interest

5 4. Looking for distractions

6 5. Concentrating on unimportant details
Pay attention to the general purpose of the message rather than the insignificant details

7 6. Reacting emotionally to trigger words
Identify trigger words that affect you Once you identify them you can reduce their effect on you

8 Let’s test your listening:
I’m going to play an audio clip that is a bit lengthy. Afterwards I’m going to give you a graded quiz on how well you’ve listened. You can take notes if you want, but you’ll need to pay attention for the quiz at the end.

9 “I am the Eggplant” This American Life

10 Quiz: PART 1 What’s the main character’s name? Spelling does not count. What was our main character’s goal in life? What was our main character’s goal in the game? What happened to our main character in the end? What does the producer that gets interviewed think about the show? PART 2 How much money does our main character have to win? What is the first prize that our main character wins? On average how many people watch the show? What colors are the letters that appear over his head? How long is our main character in Korea?

11 September 6, 2018 We’ve been working on your listening skills and today we’ll practice listening to instructions. For now you need a blank sheet of paper.

12 Falling Directions Oral Quiz
Complete the following 13 tasks.



15 Drawing Twins Find a partner.
One partner gets to draw, one gets to instruct. The drawing partner needs paper and pencil, the instructing partner will get a picture that they may NOT share. The person with the picture must give instructions to their partner so that they can draw it, but must not say what it is. The person with the picture can NOT watch the person draw it When finished compare your drawing with the original.

16 Round 1: Questions Why don’t many of the pictures look like the original? What were your frustrations as the giver of instructions, as the receiver of instructions?

17 Round 2: Swap roles. This time, this time the drawer can ask yes/no questions and the person with the picture can watch as they draw.

18 Round 2: Questions Did it help to be able to watch the person drawing?
Did it help to be able to ask questions?

19 September 7, 2018 What did you learn from yesterday’s activity? Jot down some ideas on scrap paper. How does drawing pictures have anything to do with giving speeches?

20 Instructive Speech You are receiving a paper with information on instructive speeches. Please read and highlight/take notes on the information provided.

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