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Linear Equations Word Problems

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1 Linear Equations Word Problems
SWBAT solve a word problem with variables on both sides. 5 min COPY TEXT IN PURPLE ONLY Take out your homework and leave it on your desk Complete the task to the right Handout notebooks Handout folders Handout bins Explain the mistake I made when solving the problem below. Use APE (answer, prove, explain) to answer. Students will be asked to solve a system of equations using substitution for one variable. This is a review of the lesson taught the day before.

2 Linear Equations Word Problems
SWBAT solve a word problem with variables on both sides. 20 min Linear Equations Word Problems Directions: Use CUBES on word problems #’s 1-10 Write an equation to represent each word problem (only #’s 1-10)

3 Linear Equations Word Problems
SWBAT solve a word problem with variables on both sides. 20 min Linear Equations Word Problems Linear Equation Word Problems

4 Linear Equations Word Problems
SWBAT solve a word problem with variables on both sides. 20 min Linear Equations Word Problems Directions: Copy one problem from #’s 7-14 onto a piece of computer paper Use CUBES Write down your equation and solve it Use APE to answer, prove, and explain your answer.

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