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Luke 5: The Call of Levi (Matthew) The Question about Fasting

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1 Luke 5:27 - 6.11 The Call of Levi (Matthew) The Question about Fasting
Plucking Grain on the Sabbath The Man with the Withered Hand




5 Sea of Galilee 7 miles wide and 13 miles long
Bethsaida Mt. of Beatitudes Capernaum Sea of Galilee 7 miles wide and 13 miles long Magdala

6 Capernaum (where Jesus made his home - Matt 4:13)
Real name Kefar Nahum (village of Nahum) Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen here.  Matthew (Levi) the tax collector also dwelt here. One of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith.

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