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Presentation on theme: "EVOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Evolution? Evolution is the relative change in the characteristics of populations that occurs over successive generations

3 Diversity of Life Diversity is the cornerstone of evolutionary biology
Not all individuals of a species are exactly alike Differences between individuals are not always immediately visible Diversity is important for the long term survival of a species

4 Biodiversity Differences in characteristics between individuals may be: Advantageous Harmful Neutral Characteristic may not give an individual an advantage now, but may become critical for survival later if the environment changes

5 What controls the characteristics of individuals?
Genes!! There are different versions of genes, known as alleles, in a population which is the basis of biodiversity. Gene pool – total of all genes in a population

6 What is Evolution? Evolution is
the relative change in the characteristics of populations that occurs over successive generations any shift in the gene pool of a population ratio of characteristics in a population change over successive generations

7 Who can evolve? Individuals cannot evolve!
Individuals cannot change their genes. Populations are the smallest unit that can evolve. Populations can have a shift in their gene pool.

8 Why would populations evolve?
So that a population becomes better suited to its habitats. Increased survival Better chance of passing on characteristics to offspring. Takes place over many generations.

9 How does a population evolve?
A shift in the gene pool so that a higher ratio of individuals have a particular adaptation. Adaptation a particular structure, physiology or behaviour that helps an organism survive and reproduce in a particular environment. e.g. camouflage, superb sense of smell, bill shape

10 Example of a population that evolved: Peppered moths in England

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