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Building the Future of SIGBI

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1 Building the Future of SIGBI

2 What is Associate Membership?
Associate Members are women who believe in what we do, and want to be involved, but are unable to attend a Club. They will have a remote digital experience of membership so will only receive the magazine electronically and engage in programme action remotely. It does not include Club activity. They will engage in programme action work, but there will be limitations on what they can do. They will be informal non-voting members of SIGBI. A woman could be a Club Member or an Associate Member, but not both.

3 Why are we looking at Associate Membership?
We want to recruit more women into SIGBI We want to retain existing members in SIGBI rather than see them leave us because we can not offer what they need We want to offer women more than one way to become involved in SIGBI We want to overturn the decline in our membership figures (running at approximately 3% each year, but was closer to 4.5% in 2012) We want to broaden our own membership offers in response to our competitors, who are doing the same, and also focussing on the recruitment of women into their organisations We want to meet the changing needs of women today

4 How might it work? Sophie – Example 1
Sophie wants to get involved in the organisation but can not attend Club Meetings. Sophie finds the opportunities available to her as an SIGBI Associate Member attractive and joins us. Life is too busy for her to consider anything else. She receives the fortnightly SIGBI News Briefing, Soroptimist News electronically and has access to the SIGBI website She receives information electronically about petitions that she can sign, and lobbying letters that she can send on issues affecting women and girls (Advocacy) She raises Awareness about issues affecting women and girls, may donate to a Soroptimist charity or project or raise money amongst her family, friends and colleagues to support national and international projects (Action) She does not attend Club/Region meetings or Social events unless invited and accepts that she may have to pay to attend She can attend the SIGBI conference . A few years down the line, Sophie wants to get more involved and take an active part in the organisation. So she looks to join a nearby Club, Or she volunteers to start a new Club in her location because there is not one! And she goes onto to take office at Club level She will pay her fee direct to SIGBI

5 How might it work? Dorothy - Example 2
Dorothy an existing member can no longer attend a Club. She really enjoys being part of the organisation and wants to continue to contribute and make a difference. The Club offer her Linked membership but that does not suit her. We have nothing further to offer Dorothy so she leaves. With Associate Membership, we can offer Dorothy an alternative and she continues to be a member. Dorothy will then receive the same information as Sophie and engage in programme action in the same way as Sophie. She can no longer attend Club, Region, National Association or Network meetings unless invited and accepts that she may have to pay to attend She can continue to attend the SIGBI conference I pay my fee to the Club

6 Who would this be attractive to?
Women who do not live near a Soroptimist Club Women who are not able to commit to a Club for personal reasons. E.g. shift or night workers or those with a lack of time due to work or family commitments Existing members, in the following circumstances, who want to continue to support Soroptimist International: their Club is closing, they are moving location and there is no local Club, or they are unable to attend the Club for a given reason e.g. poor health, and do not want to be a Linked Member

7 What is the impact on Regions, NAs and Networks?
There is no expectation that Regions, NAs, Countries or Networks should make regular contact with Associate Members Associate Members will be asked to agree that their personal data can be shared with Regions, NAs, Countries or Networks Associate Members can be invited to meetings, and it is accepted that Regions, NAs or Networks might charge a fee for attendance Regions, NAs, Countries and Networks will be encouraged to place information about meetings and events on their Regional website and also in the online diary on the SIGBI website Regions, NAs, Countries and Networks may want to share their newsletters with their Associate Members

8 What Other Governance Decisions Have we made?
Associate Members will not be eligible to take office at Region, NA or Federation level unless they become a member of a Club Associate Members will not vote on issues affecting the organisation so will not receive ballots or resolutions at conference They are informal non-voting members of SIGBI

9 Implementation will be April 2015 if resolutions are successful
What Happens Next? We hope you will discuss the proposed resolutions at Clubs Amended resolutions will be circulated in September 2014 ready for the Harrogate Conference General Meeting. Further communications on this important topic will continue in Soroptimist News or Membership Matters or the SIGBI News Briefing The FAQ document in the member’s area of the website will be updated regularly If the answer to your question is not there, then please it to the office – and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Or raise your question with your Federation Councillor Implementation will be April 2015 if resolutions are successful

10 And finally…. Support SIGBI in making this happen, and
Recruiting more women into SIGBI will strengthen our voice and extend our reach, which helps us to transform the lives of more women and girls across our Federation. We must act now to ensure that our legacy remains. It is a world that has become less safe, and probably more violent, for women and girls as areas of conflict multiply. This is an exciting move to align us with the lifestyle of today’s women. Support SIGBI in making this happen, and let us leave a legacy for the women who will follow us.

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