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VISION Fairtrade Joint Body 2006 ~ 2011. VISION Fairtrade Joint Body ORGANIZATION registered in 2006 body includes Chairperson Secretary General Treasurer.

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Presentation on theme: "VISION Fairtrade Joint Body 2006 ~ 2011. VISION Fairtrade Joint Body ORGANIZATION registered in 2006 body includes Chairperson Secretary General Treasurer."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body 2006 ~ 2011

2 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body ORGANIZATION registered in 2006 body includes Chairperson Secretary General Treasurer Signatory 8 members including 2 females 2 nd body is functioning

3 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FUNCTIONING meets, at least, ONCE a month decides on PREMIUM USAGE manages and administrates the premium PROJECTS

4 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body COMPLETED PROJECTS Free Eye Camp - 2006 Free Pick n Drop Facility Fair Price Shop Free Eye Camp I – 2010 Education Assistance Program I Free Eye Camp II – 2010 Water Coolers Donation to School Free Diabetics Diagnostic Camp Education Assistance Program II


6 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FREE EYE CAMP 2006 102 stitchers and their family members were examined, including 53 females 23 patients were referred for operations 13 patients were referred for spectacles 30 patients were provided with free medicines Each patient got direct benefit of PKR 500 ~ PKR 700


8 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FREE PICK & DROP FACILITY Approximately 90 workers and stitchers are benefitting Each worker is getting benefit of PKR 50 per day i.e. PKR 1250 per month Workers are enjoying safe and comfortable ride Each worker / stitcher is saving 1~2 hours of extra ride-time


10 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FAIR PRICE SHOP Project is being run on NO-PROFIT & NO- LOSS basis On an average, each worker / stitcher is getting benefit of PKR 300 per month Workers are enjoying better quality product at comparative low rates Project is classic example of SELF- SUSTAINABLE project Initial cost of the project was PKR 344,500


12 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FREE EYE CAMP I 2010 124 stitchers and their family members were examined, including 59 females 5 patients were referred for operations 117 patients were provided free spectacles 2 patients were provided free medicines Each patient got direct benefit of PKR 700 ~ PKR 1,000 Total Project Cost was PKR 26,750


14 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body EDUCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2010 571 school-going children of workers and stitchers were provided with free stationary kit at the start of New Education Year Each stationary kit included: 1 school bag 8 notebooks 12 lead pencils 2 sharpeners 2 erasers Each child get direct benefit of PKR 600~PKR 700 124 workers and 113 stitchers got direct benefit of this scheme Total Project Cost was PKR 167,979


16 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FREE EYE CAMP II 2010 101 workers and their family members were examined, including 17 females 9 patients were referred for operations 43 patients were provided free spectacles 32 patients were provided free medicines Each patient got direct benefit of PKR 700 ~ PKR 1,000 Total Project Cost was PKR 28,020


18 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body WATER COOLERS DONATION TO SCHOOL 2 electric water coolers were installed at Workers Welfare School, Chawinda One cooler was installed at boys campus and one at girls campus 358 boys and 308 girls are registered students of the school Total cost of the project was PKR 50,500


20 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body FREE DIABETIC DIAGNOSTIC CAMP 127 workers and stitchers, including 4 females, were tested for diabetic Each worker / stitcher got direct benefit of PKR 100 Basic and advance diabetic medicines of PKR 50,000 were donated to a welfare Diabetic Center 2 workers were registered with Diabetic Center for free medicines and testing onwards Total Project Cost was PKR 53,450


22 VISION Fairtrade Joint Body EDUCATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2011 621 school-going children of workers and stitchers were provided with free stationary kit at the start of New Education Year Each stationary kit included: 1 school bag 8 notebooks 8 lead pencils / 2 fountain pens 1 sharpener 1 eraser Each child get direct benefit of PKR 700~PKR 800 157 workers and 94 stitchers got direct benefit of this scheme Total Project Cost was PKR 177,678


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