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TP-CASTT Poetry Analysis

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1 TP-CASTT Poetry Analysis

2 Directions: You will present this to the class in a PowerPoint or another presentation type You need to understand your poem Do research!!!!

3 T: Title Ask your audience to predict what your poem is going to be about Then explain what your prediction was before you read it

4 P: Paraphrase Give audience a LINE BY LINE paraphrase Define any words you think may be unfamiliar

5 C: Connotation Explain the meaning of the poem
Connotation is symbolic meaning Example: heart and heart

6 A: Attitude/Tone Think about a ‘tude Happy, sad, funny??

7 S: Shifts Shifts are changes In attitude In speaker In content

8 T: Title Look at the title again Now reinterpret it

9 T: Theme What do you think the poem is about?
What does the poet want you to think/believe?

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