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Title either Times New Roman or Arial in pt

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Presentation on theme: "Title either Times New Roman or Arial in pt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title either Times New Roman or Arial in 78-84 pt
first author (your name)1, other authors1,2, your supervisor1 same font as title size 48-56pt 1 Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Research Campus Golm, Potsdam, Germany 2 Address of co-authors if not from MPI same font as title size 32-40 Introduction (major topic) fontsize 46-50 Scheme of the System fontsize 46-50 Introduction text font size 24-28pt (depending on font type) please use fonts like Arial or Times New Roman. Supporting information on colors and a brief how to. Things that are fixed: Text color of the poster title and author box (RGB: 0, 101, 167) Background including header and foot note Horizontal separation lines, keep size, color and horizontal position; move them freely vertically Tips: Very important please be consistent on your poster. This means use one size, one font and one color for all text on the same level of structuring. Don’t use too many and too powerful colors The self-assembly of polxelectrolytes on to a solid support with the “Layer-by-Layer”-technique and the preparation of hollow microcapsules by the sames method. Fontsize 20-24 Experiments and Methods (major topic) fontsize 46-50 Experiments (subtopic) fontsize 38-42pt Conclusion (major topic) fontsize 46-50 Results (major topic) font size 46-50 Acknowledgements References [1] Authors, Journal, Volume (Year), Pages. [2] Authors, Journal, Volume (Year), Pages.

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