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安来软件科技有限公司 AniLab Software & Instruments Co., Ltd

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1 安来软件科技有限公司 AniLab Software & Instruments Co., Ltd
How to edit AniLab Method GO-NoGO task 安来软件科技有限公司 AniLab Software & Instruments Co., Ltd

2 A related reference published in J. NeuroSci. Methods

3 AniLab experimental method principle
session Component (state set) State

4 Odor discrimination GO trials (odor 1) No-Go trials (odor 2)
GO-NoGO (odor 1 or odor 2)

5 GO trials One food-tray entry starts a new trial
A trial starts with Houselight ON, after one nose-poke entry, Odor 1 is delivered for 2 seconds One food-tray entry is rewarded with food, recorder as “Hits” (correct trials), followed by a 8-seconds Inter-trial-interval, during which the Houselight is OFF, the time relapsed from the Odor 1 on to food-try entry is recorded as “Hit Latency” No food-tray entry within 5 seconds is recorded as “Misses” (missed trials) , followed by a 8-seconds Inter-trial-interval, during which the Houselight is OFF. Session ended after 200 trials or 100 min.

6 Apparatus: five-hole box



9 double click

10  Define session variables: TotalTrial: total number of trials
Hits: number of correct trials Misses: number of missed trials Hitlatency: latency of correct response

11 Start from State 1 State1: Prepare to start a new trial

12 One food-tray entry starts a new trial: go to State 2

13 After 100 total trials, stop the session: go to State 2

14 State 2: Start a new trial Turn ON HouseLight

15   State 2: when state 2 starts,
increase counter variable: TotalTrial

16 Nose poking at “Poke3”: go to State 3, start Odor-1 delivery

17 State 3: deliver Odor-1 for 2 seconds

18   State 3: start timer “HitLatency”
for recording time latency of correct response

19 One food entry: Correct Response
go to state 4

20 No food entry within 5 second: response omission
go to state 5

21 State 4: correct response Deliver reward: 0.1 ml liquid

22   State 4: correct response Increase Counter ‘Hits’ (correct trial)
Read Timer ‘HitLatency’ (response latency)

23 Go to state 6: inter trial interval

24 State 5: misses Increase Counter ‘Misses’ (no response)

25 Go to state 6: inter trial interval

26 State 6: inter trial interval Turn off HouseLight

27 State 6: after 8 seconds go to State1 to prepare for another trial

28 State 7: after 100 trials, stop session

29 NoGO trials One food-tray entry starts a new trial
A trial starts with Houselight ON, after one nose-poke entry, Odor 2 is delivered for 2 seconds No food-tray entry within 5 seconds is rewarded with food, recorder as a “Correct Rejection”, followed by a 8-seconds Inter-trial-interval, during which the Houselight is OFF On food-tray entry within 5 seconds is recorded as “False Alarms”, followed by a 8-seconds Inter-trial-interval, during which the Houselight is OFF. Session ended after 200 trials or 100 min.


31 GO-NoGO Trial sequences: Session length:
Present S+ (GO) and S− (NoGO) trials in a random order with the restriction that there be an equal number of each in each block of 20 trials and that one type of trial not occur more than three times in succession. Session length: Allow a maximum of 200 trials in each session. The session may also be terminated after the following criterion performance is achieved, completion of two additional blocks of trials once a criterion accuracy of 85% has been achieved in a block of 20 trials. Block data is also saved after each 20 trials.

32 There are 3 Components: GO (C1), NoGo (C2), ITI (C3)

33 Session Variables: a computed variable is used to calculated correct response rate.

34 Temporary Variables are used to record block data

35 Component list is used to run GO (1) and NoGO (2) trials according to the list, in this sample, 20 trials is set, more trials are running by repeating the list. Session starts form the first Component No. of the list.

36 When a GO trial is ended, stop the Component, and select Component 3 (ITI)

37 When a NoGO trial is ended, stop the Component, then select Component 3 (ITI)

38  ITI (Inter trail interval)
After 8 seconds, stop the Component, run Component List

39 Component 3: ITI State 1: after 200 trials, stop the session (go to State 8), otherwise go to State 2

40 Component 3: ITI State 2: every 20 trials (BlockTrial) are recorded as one block

41 Component 3: ITI State 3: check if it is the last two blocks (a criterion accuracy of 85% of correct response rate has been achieved), if yes go to state 7, otherwise go to State 4 (check correct response rate).

42 Component 3: ITI State 4: check correct response rate. If correct response rate (Block_CorrRate) is greater than 0.85 (85% accuracy), then go to State 6

43 Component 3: ITI State 5: counter block (increase “BlockNum”), and save temporary variables after each block (every 20 trials), after each save operation, saved temporary variables are set to zero.

44 Component 3: ITI State 6: when “Block_CorrRate”>=0.85, “BlockNum” is set to zero, “IsLastTwoBlock” is set to non-zero, prepare to run the last two blocks, and the temporary variables are also saved.

45 Component 3: ITI State 7: Increase “BlockNum” and save temporary variables. when a criterion accuracy of 85% of correct response rate has been achieved (IsLastTwoBlock>=1), if “BlockNum” equals two, stop the session. Mean while, Bloc

46 Component 3: ITI State 8: Save temporary variables and Stop the session.

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