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Digital a double edged sword.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital a double edged sword."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital a double edged sword

2 What is Open Government Data?
Data which is produced or commissioned by government or government controlled entities open as defined in the 'Open Definition' – that is, it can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone. ( and it’s possibly the only thing RIC and the World Bank agree is a good idea :-)

3 Types of data Primary Secondary Meta Operational Derivative

4 Quality of data

5 Licensing for ‘open’ Open government licence Crown copyright
Creative Commons (a continuum from CC-BY to CC-BY-NC-ND) Public domain

6 Quality of data portals

7 Data portals - (logos are links to the respective portals)

8 Why Open Government Data?
Transparency Participatory Governance Releasing social and commercial value ( In a well-functioning, democratic society citizens need to know what their government is doing. To do that, they must be able freely to access government data and information and to share that information with other citizens. Transparency isn’t just about access, it is also about sharing and reuse — often, to understand material it needs to be analyzed and visualized and this requires that the material be open so that it can be freely used and reused. Much of the time citizens are only able to engage with their own governance sporadically — maybe just at an election every 4 or 5 years. By opening up data, citizens are enabled to be much more directly informed and involved in decision-making. This is more than transparency: it’s about making a full “read/write” society, not just about In a digital age, data is a key resource for social and commercial activities. Everything from finding your local post office to building a search engine requires access to data, much of which is created or held by government. By opening up data, government can help drive the creation of innovative business and services that deliver social and commercial value.

9 Information = data + meaning
(Luciano Floridi)

10 Liberal democracy must be defended

11 Follow the breadcrumb trail

12 Digital rights are civil rights
Net neutrality IP reform Open standards Freedom of speech Surveillance Privacy Consent

13 Nae NICE Glasgow Campaign alliance initiated on Monday Facebook group
Leafleting demonstrations in Glasgow Full day conference and workshops in September Snoopers Charter - A Scottish Digital Bill of Rights? Scottish Green Party - Technology and Society Forum Open Rights Group - Digital self-defence

14 Open Data References [1] Open Knowledge logo - accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY 4.0 [2] What is Open?, Open Knowledge, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY 4.0 [2] Open Governmental Data, Open Knowledge, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY 4.0 [3] Floridi, L. Information: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.29-31 [4] Open Data Institute logo, Open Data Institute, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY-SA 2.0 UK [4] 5 ★ Open Data, accessed 21st June 2015 [4] Dodds, L. ( ) Comparing the 5-star scheme with Open Data Certificates, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY-SA 2.0 UK, [5] Creative Commons logo, accessed accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY 4.0 [6] Parfenov, D. (19th Novemeber 2013), 5 Stars of Open Data Portals, 10th Open Data Ireland Meetup, Open Knowledge Ireland, accessed 21st June 2015 [6] Open Knowledge Ireland logo, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY-SA [7] Open Glasgow logo, accessed 21st June 2015 [7] Scottish Parliament logo, accessed 21st June 2015 [7] The Scottish Government logo, Wikipedia, File:Scottish Government logo.png, accessed 21st June 2015 [7] UK Government logo, Government Service Design Manual, OGL 2.0, accessed 21st June 2015 [8] see Slide[2] [9] ibid. Slide 3

15 Digital Rights References
[10] Surveillance camera, ( ), uploaded by Corey Burger, Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0 [11] Daniel, ( ) Add breadcrumbs to a node in Drupal 7,, accessed 21st June 2015 [12] Scottish Green Party, (April 2014), Digital Rights are Civil Rights, Green YES Briefing Note, accessed 21st June 2015 [12] Scottish Green Party logo, File: Scottish Green Party logo.svg, Wikimedia Commons, accessed 21st June 2015 [13] Open Rights Group logo, accessed 21st June 2015, CC-BY-SA

16 License This presentation is licensed as CC-BY-SA. This does not apply to those quotations, logos and images which have been here used for illustrative purposes only.

17 Stay in touch Graeme Arnott Open Knowledge Scotland - @okfnscot
Nae Nice Glasgow

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