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Chapter Three Federalism

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1 Chapter Three Federalism
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship

2 Chapter Three: Learning Objectives
Describe briefly how the federal-state balance of power has shifted over the years Explain why this balance has often tipped in favor of the federal government

3 Chapter Three: Learning Objectives
Lay out the advantages and disadvantages of America’s complex system of federalism Analyze how federalism affects policy deliberation

4 Chapter Three: Learning Objectives
Understand ways in which federalism may encourage or hamper active citizenship BRIAN BAER/MCT/Landov

5 In the United States we have a federal system.
Introduction In the United States we have a federal system. Alternatives to a federal system include Unitary system Confederal system

6 International Perspectives
Unitary system Power is vested in a central government which grants power to other levels of government Confederal system Power is vested in sovereign states that grant limited powers to the central government

7 Growth and Change How has the balance of power shifted over the years? Do you believe that shift has been positive or negative?

8 Growth and Change: At the Founding
The Constitution grants the government certain enumerated powers. Through the Tenth Amendment the states and the people possess reserved powers.

9 Growth and Change: Federalism from Chief Justices Marshall to Taney
In this era of dual federalism, two important Supreme Court cases dealt with issues of federalism. 1. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) 2. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

10 Growth and Change: Federalism from Chief Justices Marshall to Taney
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Necessary and proper clause Implied powers Supremacy clause

11 Growth and Change: Federalism from Chief Justices Marshall to Taney
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Commerce clause Supremacy clause

12 Supporting the Constitution
Pledges and Promises Supporting the Constitution Article VI requires federal and state officials to be bound by oath or affirmation to the Constitution There has been controversy over oaths and the actions of federal and state officials which appear to conflict with the Constitution

13 Growth and Change: The Civil War and National Identity
The Civil War’s effects on federalism Ended discussion of secession and nullification Strengthened the federal government

14 Growth and Change: The Civil War and National Identity
The Civil War’s effects on federalism Civil War Amendments limited the power of the states Changed the way Americans saw their country

15 Growth and Change: Federalism in Flux
American federalism in the early twentieth century Sixteenth Amendment Seventeenth Amendment Eighteenth Amendment Twenty-first Amendment

16 Growth and Change: New Deal, War, and New Power for the Federal Government
During Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration the powers of the national government grew. The federal government expanded its powers in regulating commerce and noncommercial activities through the decision in Wickard v. Filburn (1942).

17 Growth and Change: The Federal Government Assumes a Dominant Position
During the 1960s the federal government gave more funding for programs to state and local governments through categorical grants, which allowed the federal government to give specific instructions for the use of grant funds.

18 Growth and Change: The Federal Government Assumes a Dominant Position
Source: and

19 Growth and Change: New Federalism: Revival and Turmoil
New Federalism created new tools of fiscal federalism General revenue sharing Block grants Mandates and unfunded mandates

20 Growth and Change: New Federalism: Revival and Turmoil
Source: United States Offi ce of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2009 at

21 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Of Two Minds: Devolution and Preemption
In the 1990s, devolution became a common term to refer to the shift of power from the federal government to state and local governments. Congress moved away from devolution through enacting preemption statutes.

22 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Regulation
There have been several policy areas where federalism debates have been prevalent. Regulation Garcia v. SAMTA (1976)

23 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Welfare and Education
1996 end of AFDC No Child Left Behind Act

24 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Crime
United States v. Lopez (1995) Printz v. United States (1996) United States v. Morrison (2000)

25 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Life, Death, and Health
Oregon Death with Dignity Act California ballot measure to legalize marijuana JASON REED/Reuters /Landov

26 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: Lawsuits and Same-Sex Marriage
Eleventh Amendment Same-sex marriage Full faith and credit clause BRIAN BAER/MCT/Landov

27 Contemporary Issues in Federalism: The National Guard
Who should have power over the national guard – the president or state governors? Alex Wong/Getty Images

28 Debating Federalism What are some advantages or disadvantages of federalism? Do you believe a federal system allows for a double layer of protection for citizens’ rights?

29 Debating Federalism Do you believe federalism creates a “race to the bottom”? Do you believe federalism brings government closer to the people? Why or why not?

30 Myths and Misinformation
Knowledge of state governments In a 2007 survey, only 66% of Americans could state their governor’s name Americans also lack knowledge about their state’s legislative branch and fiscal situation Why do you believe Americans know so little about their state governments?

31 Federalism and Deliberative Democracy
In a federal system states are like laboratories of democracy. States allow for policy innovation based on the needs of their residents. Successful state policies may influence national policy.

32 Deliberation, Citizenship, and You
States and immigration Federal lawmakers have yet to come to a consensus about immigration reform, but some state governments have. What are your state’s laws on immigration?

33 Summary The federal system is complicated There has been a trend toward centralization of power States still retain much power The federalism debate continues

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