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There was 2 big mosks near the guest house that we stayed

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Presentation on theme: "There was 2 big mosks near the guest house that we stayed"— Presentation transcript:

1 There was 2 big mosks near the guest house that we stayed
There was 2 big mosks near the guest house that we stayed. We would often hear the call to prayer. If you will look at the sign, you will notice it is in English and not Chichewa. Most of the people in the cities speak English. However, the people in the “bush” or the country speak several different languages with Chichewa being the most common. They even teach English in most of the schools.

2 How many of you work construction or know someone that does
How many of you work construction or know someone that does. This is an example of Malawi scaffolding. I don’t know about you, but I think I would rather keep my feet on the ground. It is very uncommon to see buildings over 2 stories high. Most buildings are only 1 story.

3 Malawi version of McDonalds. Fast food staying in car vs
Malawi version of McDonalds. Fast food staying in car vs. going in to eat

4 The main form of transportation in Malawi is walking
The main form of transportation in Malawi is walking. They walk EVERYWHERE! The next form is riding a bicycle. Once again, they don’t like to waste space, so you will see them carrying all kinds of stuff on the front, back, and even over the top of the bike.


6 This is inside one of Baptist Churches that our group started over there. Notice the mats on the floor. Those are the seats. The bench up front is for the guest to sit in. No matter how little the people have. They always give their best to visitors. Also notice the holes in the walls. This is for light and air since there is no electricity.

7 The people of Malawi are very creative. They do not throw away anything. This guy has made a guitar from a small can and a board.

8 Here is another hand made guitar. Notice the roof in this church
Here is another hand made guitar. Notice the roof in this church. It is made of bamboo and straw.

9 Beautiful mountainside where we were in the “bush”

10 Rock bridge over crocodile waters

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