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Latin and Greek Root Words Unit 5

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1 Latin and Greek Root Words Unit 5
PARI, PHAN, SPEC, VID, VIS Apparition, Aspect, Diaphanous, Envisage, Epiphany, Introspective, Phenomenon, Perspicacious, Retrospective, Sycophant, Visage

2 VID/VIS Latin VIDERE, VISUM “to see”
1. Envisage v. To imagine; to conceive of L. in, “in,” + visum (VIS) = to see into No matter how she tried, Larraine could not envisage anywhere but California. Syn: perceive 2. Visage n. Face; facial expression The twisted visage of the monster costume frightened the toddlers in the room. Syn: expression

3 PARI Latin PARERE, PARITUM “be visible, appear”
3. Apparition n. An unreal figure; a ghost L. ad, “to,” + parere (PARI) = appear to The first time Hamlet sees the apparition of his dead father, he can hardly believe his eyes. Syn: specter

4 SPEC Latin SPECERE, SPECTUM “to look”
4. Perspicacious adj. Wise; insightful; acutely intelligent L. per, “through,” + specere (SPEC) = seeing through Having praised Kate for her perspicacious decisions as treasurer, Nigel went on to warn her of the obstacles ahead. Syn: perceptive Ant: dim-witted; short-sighted 5. Retrospective adj. Looking backward over a period of time L. retro, “backwards,” + spectum (SPEC) = looking backward The museum will be showcasing a retrospective exhibit of the sculptor’s works.

5 SPEC Cont’d 6. Aspect n. A part that can be considered or viewed
L. ad, “toward,” + spectum (SPEC) = seen toward Not every aspect of this situation is negative; though we have made mistakes, we can learn from them. Syn: facet 7. Introspective adj. Contemplating one’s own thoughts and feelings L. intro, “within,” + spectum (SPEC) = looking within The introspective poet enjoyed taking long walks alone. Syn: meditative Ant: shallow

6 PHAN Greek PHANEIN “to appear, to show”
8. Phenomenon n. A fact or event which can be observed and/or documented We observed the same phenomenon numerous times among the songbirds. 9. Diaphanous adj. Lightweight and transparent G. dia, “through,” + phanein (PHAN) = to show through The diaphanous curtains were lightly lifted by any breeze, not matter how slight. Syn: opaque

7 PHAN Cont’d 10. Epiphany n. A moment of great insight; revelation
G. epi, “near to,” + phanein (PHAN) = appearing near to The doctor’s epiphany eventually led to a breakthrough vaccine. 11. Sycophant n. A person who flatters; a yes-man G. sukos, “fig,” + phanein (PHAN) = fig-displayer The new president of the company was surrounded by sycophants who never disagreed with him.

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