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Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses based on complete RdRp and VP1 nucleotide sequences. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses based on complete RdRp and VP1 nucleotide sequences. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses based on complete RdRp and VP1 nucleotide sequences. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of sapoviruses based on complete RdRp and VP1 nucleotide sequences. Phylogenetic trees of 27 sapovirus strains (10 GI, 5 GII, 5 GIV, and 6 GV strains and 1 representative GIII strain) whose sequences covering the putative complete RdRp to the end of VP1 had been available at GenBank ( by 1 September 2013 are shown. The trees on the left and right are based on the nucleotide sequences of the putative complete RdRp region (approximately 1,570 nt) and the entire VP1 region (approximately 1,690 nt), respectively. The phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method with 1,000 bootstrap replications using NJPlot software. The numbers on each branch indicate the bootstrap values of ≥950. The scale represents the nucleotide substitutions per site. The sapovirus strains showing inconsistent clustering patterns on the two trees are indicated within dashed boxes. Tomoichiro Oka et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2015; doi: /CMR

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