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Note for the HINET site:

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1 Note for the HINET site:
this power point only complements the presentation I gave. It is not a free standing lecture on its own.

2 Hadassah Academic College
Conscious Teaching: Awareness and Empathy While Teaching EAP Elisheva Gordon Lev Academic Center Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem H-INET Conference February 18, 2019 Tel Aviv University

3 Name one thing you like about yourself as a teacher.
Something you do well in your classroom

4 Name one challenge you have while teaching English.
Something that you find difficult. (Yes, only one…)

5 How are you feeling? at this moment.. AND YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE!
You’ve been here since 9:00 am You’ve listened to no less than 9 different speakers. AND YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE! How do you think your students feel??

6 A conscious teacher will be
Aware Mindful A conscious teacher will Validate Encourage Take ownership of oneself

7 4 Specific Challenges of Today's EAP Classroom
The hostile environment caused by the compulsory nature of English classes The GAP between failing in English and success in other subjects Learning English is a slow PROCESS requiring internalization Students' low self-esteem in language learning


9 Steps to Resolution 1. acknowledgement 2. acceptance 3
Steps to Resolution 1. acknowledgement 2. acceptance 3. creativity in coping 4. finding “solutions”

10 Professional Development of SELF
Art of Listening Validation Awareness and Empathy Integrity Mindfulness Creativity Art of Encouragement

11 Models Subjectivity Matching of Expectations- creating a cooperative contract In my power/ Not in my power- how to focus on what you CAN change A New Interpretation- A New Reaction

12 Additional Models The dilemma of Values Circular power Struggles



15 Empowerment by Knowing Limitations
 It is NOT dependent on me / it is not within my power. It is dependent on me / it is within my power Possibility of changing the situation  Impossibility of changing the situation

16 Empowerment by Knowing Limitations
 It is NOT dependent on me. It is not within my power. It is dependent on me. It is within my power Possibility of changing the situation  Impossibility of changing the situation

17 Administration Teachers Students

18 Event Interpretation Emotion Reaction

19 Student: This Class is BORING
Interpretation Emotion Reaction Event

20 The Dilemma of Values value value Goal Goal Ultimate Goal
On the one hand... I want to … On the other hand... I want to … value value Goal Goal Ultimate Goal

21 Frustration student teacher



24 Encourage Cooperation
See Perspective of the Student Build Connection Encourage Cooperation Successful Teaching Successful Learning

25 Q & A “I have the courage to be imperfect!”
Thank you for joining me today. Elisheva

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