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Introduction 陳韋志 台中人 彰化師大資管系 電玩 單車 影集 任維廉老師實驗室.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction 陳韋志 台中人 彰化師大資管系 電玩 單車 影集 任維廉老師實驗室."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction 陳韋志 台中人 彰化師大資管系 電玩 單車 影集 任維廉老師實驗室

2 Fundamentals of Organization Structure
報告人 : 陳韋志 授課教師 : 任維廉老師 報告日期 : 2009/11/05

3 Agenda Basic concepts of organization structure
Information processing perspective on structure Organization design alternatives Related structure design Discussion

4 A Sample Organization Chart

5 Information processing perspective on structure
Horizontal Organization Designed for Learning Horizontal structure is dominant Shared tasks, empowerment Relaxed hierarchy, few rules Horizontal, face-to-face communication Many teams and task forces Decentralized decision making Dominant Structural Approach Vertical structure is dominant Specialized tasks Strict hierarchy, many rules Vertical communication and reporting systems Few teams, task forces or integrators Centralized decision making Vertical Organization Designed for Efficiency and Control

6 Vertical Information Linkages
Hierarchical referral Rules and plans Vertical information systems -periodic reports, written information and computer-based communications.

7 Horizontal Information Linkages
Information systems Direct contact Task forces Full-time integrator Teams

8 Project Manager Location in the Structure

9 Ladder of Mechanisms for Horizontal Linkage and Coordination
Teams H IGH Full-time Integrators Task Forces Coordination Required Amount of Horizontal Direct Contact LOW Information Systems LOW HIGH Cost of Coordination in Time and Human Resources

10 Organization Design Alternatives
Required Work Activities Reporting Relationships Departmental Grouping Options

11 Functional Structure consolidates human knowledge and skills with respect to specific activities CEO Engineering Marketing Manufacturing

12 Strengths and Weaknesses of Functional Organization Structure
Allows economies of scale Enables in-depth knowledge and skill development Enables organization to accomplish functional goals Is best with only one or a few products Weaknesses : Slow response time to environmental changes May cause decisions to pile on top, hierarchy overload poor horizontal coordination among departments less innovation Involves restricted view of organizational goals

13 Divisional Structure called product structure or strategic business units departments are grouped based on organizational outputs CEO Product division 1 Product division 2 Product division 3

14 Strengths and Weaknesses of Divisional Organization Structure
fast change in unstable environment client satisfaction Involves high coordination across functions adapt to differences in products, regions, clients Best in large organizations with several products Decentralizes decision-making Weaknesses : Eliminates economies of scale in functional departments poor coordination across product lines Eliminates in-depth competence and technical specialization Hard to integrate and standardize across product lines

15 Geographical Structure
groups the organization’s users or customers together by geographical area. CEO Steve Jobs Apple Americas Apple Europe Apple Pacific Canada France Australia Latin America/ Caribbean Japan Asia Sales Service and Marketing to Regions

16 Matrix Structure combines product and functional designs with its unique purposeful violation of unity of command. President Director Design Mfg Marketing Procure- ment of Product Vice President Vice President Vice President Controller Operations Manager Product Manager A Product Manager B Product Manager C Product Manager D

17 Strengths and Weaknesses of Matrix Organization Structure
Achieves coordination necessary to meet dual demands from customers Flexible sharing of human resources across products Suited to complex decisions and frequent changes in unstable environment Provides opportunity for functional and product skill development Best in medium-sized organizations with multiple products Weaknesses dual authority, which can be frustrating and confusing participants need good interpersonal skills and training Is frequent meetings and conflict resolution sessions Will not work unless participants understand it and adopt collegial rather than vertical-type relationships Requires great effort to maintain power balance

18 Horizontal Structure employees around core processes so they can
easily communicate and coordinate their efforts Top Management Team Process Owner Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Market Analysis Research Product Planning Testing Customer New Product Development Process Process Owner Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Customer Analysis Purchasing Material Flow Distrib.

19 New Product Development Process
Top Management Team Process Owner Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Market Analysis Research Product Planning Testing Customer New Product Development Process Process Owner Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Customer Analysis Purchasing Material Flow Distrib. Procurement and Logistics Process

20 Virtual Network Structure
The firm subcontracts many or most of its major processes to separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.

21 Hybrid Structure subcontracts many or most of its major processes to separate companies and coordinates their activities from a small headquarters organization.

22 Applications of Structural Design
Matrix Structure Horizontal Structure Functional Structure Functional with cross-functional teams, integrators Divisional Structure Horizontal: Coordination Learning Innovation Flexibility Dominant Structural Approach Vertical: Control Efficiency Stability Reliability

23 Discussion Globalization → Multinational firms →Cross departments
Project management (divisional structure → functional structure)

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